Monday, December 29, 2008

What all Women must hear.....

Note: If you can't see the video but hear the audio, double click on where the video should be and it will show.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Capitalism Erodes Democracy

Capitalism and Democracy cannot exist together and are by definition mutually exclusive. Think:

Capitalism: Capitalism is wealth in the hands of a few, so legislation should support that few and their efforts to make more capital.

Democracy: Legislation that reflects the will of the majority of people regardless of whether that will be for making more capital or not. Making more capital is of concern to the majority, however, so are many other issues that have higher priority.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Man I love this show!

I just found, so very cool!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

More on moronic republican ideals

I once heard a jackass republican boss of mine say that Russia fell because no one wanted to work for such little money, so money is the motivator of people.

I was like oh really, is that why teachers teach in America? Is that why attorneys work "pro-bono", are doctors in it for the money or do they just care about life?

And what about the firemen and police that risk their very lives for little money, is money really their motivation? I think not.

Then he says about off-shoring or outsourcing to foreigners, "why shouldn't I be able to make some profit if someone wants to work for so cheap, what else do you suggest?"

I was like, how about paying an equal amount of money to any man from anywhere in the world that does the same work? Ever hear 'honest days work for an honest days pay?' but then I'm reminded that republicans don't know what an honest anything is much less a whole day of it or doing it at work!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Summarized version of the 2nd depression in America

I realize that all my posts are explanations of whats happened recently, but for a reader that doesn't know exactly whats happened to warrant these posts, and for future posterity lemme give the world a quick summation of whats happened in America in the last few decades:

At the end of the 1990's it was economic boom times. Clinton was just finishing an 8 year term of issuing tax credits for business owners in America that hired Americans. Unemployment was at its lowest rate in decades and the economy was growing at a rapid pace. This was a time when a young American could say to themselves "what do I want to do with the rest of my life" and actually go out and get a job working in that profession. During this time we didn't hear much about what was going on in the world and other nations, we didn't have anything to really be afraid of. We also had a surplus of the national budget and were quickly erasing the national debt. How this happened really is a miracle. Bill Clinton created this life-style from ashes. Let me tell you how it was the 8 years prior to Bill:

I was about 20 when the Clinton years started so my experience with the Regan / Bush years that preceded Bill Clinton was only as a youngster on the playground in grade school. Here's what I got to hear every day during those years:

First we were on the brink of nuclear annihilation with Russia so we were shown videos of how to put your head between your knees and get under the desk. (Like this would afford any protection from a nuclear blast). So all Americans lived in a constant state of terror, kinda like how some Americans are choosing to live right now!! (Just because little Bush is pushing his dads agenda, the rich think they have more power if they rule with fear). Now keep in mind what kid knows about any of this? Answer is: only kids with desperate parents are going to hear those conversations at home. It was from this environment (similar to now) that Bill Clinton was able to remove all the madness. Our economy and stature in the world (which consequently does better when we don't label parts of the world as enemies) was stabilized. This stability was the spring board for economic prosperity. Unfortunately, coming from a "less affluent" family life, I spent much of the Clinton years getting my Bachelors Degree in Computer Science.


I graduated in 2005 and little Bush stole the election in 2001. Al Gore (the one that is heavily into saving the planet, Movie: Inconvenient Truth) was up for election. He was supposed to be the next president after Clinton and would have gotten America off of oil, but Jeb Bush, brother of little Bush Jr., had a problem counting votes in the state of Florida due to small pieces of paper on the voting ballots called chads. This has never happened in an election so far as I can research. It amazed me that this would happen in this day and age of computers. There's no way this could happen unless it was intentional. George Bush has built a career on ambiguity. Either he was too inept to protect the country during 9/11 or he was part of setting the stage for the attack. Either way he didn't do his job. I believe this to be the same strategy used in the 2000 election. Either Jeb Bush was too inept to make sure votes were tallied correctly or he set the stage for the corruption. Of course Bush wont come out and defend himself to these allegations because that's how Republicans operate; just like Nixon who wouldn't take responsibility for Watergate, but wouldn't release the tapes either. Republicans never try to explain their screw ups, instead they play the "lets not point fingers" game. Now if I went to work and screwed up and said "lets not point fingers", Id be fired and probably never get a job in that field again, and that's how it should be. Republicans are masters of screwing things up and they are equally masterful at not taking responsibility.

So now that Bush is in office from a stolen election, suddenly right after the election, Al-Qeda hits the twin towers. Now there is no reason at all why Al-Qeda would wait till now to do this. If they hated us so bad they could have hit us the same way they did on 9/11, at any time before Bushs' election. He needed this to happen to get elected for another term. The puppet masters that control Bush knew this. There would be no way possible for him (them) to get elected in 2004 and they knew it. And of course there is no explanation from Bush either way as to how this happened. Like usual when Republicans are in office we see behavior we question and get no explanation on how it happens. Bush has a responsibility to tell the nation how this happened and what will be done to fight it in the future. Anything less is like pleading the 5th and means like in court of law, that your guilty. So of course Bush puts the fear of terrorists in all Americans just so he could get elected. When looked at in this perspective, one sees that there is no possible way Bush didn't know about the attacks ahead of time. Besides, when else do we ever get to see a class full of 3rd graders teach Bush?


So, early in 2001 Bushs' 8 year term was already solidified. In the ensuing 8 years he proceeded to give American business owners tax credits to send Americans jobs to other countries. So here we are in 2008 in the 2nd great depression. 122 million jobs lost in that 8 years. Unprecedented low numbers in growth, and job creation. Unprecedented high numbers in the national deficit and national budget. And the saddest part of the tale, Bush Jr. never went after Osama Bin Laden, the supposed leader of Al-Qeda, the terror organization that was responsible for the twin towers destruction on 9/11, even though he said plainly after the attacks that he would.

Off-shoring: The actual largest threat to national security

I would think sending tech jobs to India strengthens their tech abilities. If Al-Queda comes to them and wants work done against the United States, India doesn't have to say no, they are trying to make money right? And what or whom would keep them from doing so? And how do we keep extremists from stealing tech we gave to India, from India. And when you need highly trained tech experts in the U.S., there will be none to defend the country because people are already starting to gravitate away from science and tech because they know which countries do that work. This would seem to me a huge hole in national security that no one has ever stopped to consider. Sending my programming work to India really benefits absolutely no one, except possibly terrorists, and it just keeps me and my family in poverty and creates instability in the world. Heck, if I had an opportunity to program, so would many people and the economy would not be ready to die. I realize I'm probably preaching to the quire but I just haven't heard any of the things I'm discussing mentioned by anyone. Its actually the cause of all the countries current ills. If you put scientists and technical workers back to work, we will develop the new auto technologies that will pull us out of despair. If our jobs hadn't been shipped to India, we would have already developed the technology by now and would not be having to deal with auto bailouts. My family has been waiting for 8 yrs for me to be able to get a good technical job, and we don't know how much longer well be able to hang on with out having to go homeless. Not all families have many members that one can go to for help. Sometimes two poor kids with only a single parent, find love in each other. Sometimes, any family that one may have, still cant help because they have their own problems. I realize that auto workers see a bailout as necessary to keep their jobs, however if infrastructure is not created to maintain highly trained science and technical workers, the technology will never be created so the auto workers still will not have jobs. As I sit here unemployed, I will be sending you pertinent information as frequently as I can. When my family and I have to live on the streets, Ill be going strait to the news to show them my cyber "paper trail" of begging for assistance, and the fact that no one listens. I have much information that you need and here I still sit.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The path of equality leads to overall good health

America, your so funny. You think your rich and powerful but all you are is a bunch of squatters. The way I see it if a criminal kicks open the door to your home and shoots you and your family, then claims the home as his own, he's not a rich and powerful man- just a criminal that's squatting. And just because you kick open the door of the Mayor doesn't mean your the Mayor.

See (and you republicans will love this!), Native peoples had far lower taxes than you impose on your people. We also had the lowest unemployment and much smaller Federal government. Also smaller local government and almost total individual responsibility. They also (key here) are preservationists when it comes to the earth. So for all the arguments that Ive ever heard that white society is "better" because they have indoor plumbing, this seems a weak argument when you consider that the world is in danger of melting due to the emissions left from "civilized" society.

So it appears that the Natives of this land had the answers all along so maybe they shouldn't be confined to reservations that whites define, and should be in the society, revered for their ancient wisdom. When listened to, this wisdom can lead us out of this dark time for both the economy and Mother Earths' long term health, and thus our own.

But the only ones that deserve to be here in the first place are the Natives, the African brothers that were brought here against their own will, and the Mexican brothers that watched as their homeland borders were re-drawn around them. So until all of them are living upper-middle class lives the rest of ya'll really should go back to England or wherever you came from.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Goodby America - the holocaust of the poor and middle class in America

I recall a Jewish proverb or story, whatever you call it:

It basically references a Jewish man during the holocaust. When Nazi soldiers came to the houses of his neighbors to remove them, he just watched as each family was removed one at a time. No one ever protested until he himself looked around and realized he had no way to rebel anymore as he was all alone. Then they came for him.

I look around at all the people from India replacing Americans in law, medicine and science. I cant help but get a feeling like what the last Jew felt like.

Difference is, I am screaming and yelling, and no one listens.

I feel like this is the holocaust of the poor and middle class in America.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

To All American Business Owners Who Off-Shore......

This is to all the business owners that don't hire Americans because other countries will do it cheaper:

Al-Queda is always hiring programmers, but I choose to not work for them because Im a patriot, and I expect you to hire me over someone from India for the exact same reason, because after all, aren't we all just capitalists?

If business owners continue to off-shore work, then the government has to step in and tax the hell out of business owners to pay for basic services, and to create the jobs business owners should be providing to Americans. When business owners employ Americans, the government can lessen the tax burden of business owners, so employ Americans and pay your fair share.

In this system we have, there cant be high taxes for the rich or middle class all the time. What happened recently is the tax burden was shifted to the masses because the massess were adequately employed, it made sense. As more jobs were lost, to the point that the government was not able to pay for basic services, the tax burden now has to be bore by the rich. Our system is just a teeter-totter. When required, it tilts in the direction it needs to, always striving for balance.

Wow! I was doing some research and this guy pretty much is saying what I have been saying for a while now, but he sounds important!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Funny Similarities

For some reason Ive always seen similarities between these faces. And Michelle, I think I found the inspiration behind your dress!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What Christ would say about American society

So here's how Christ would feel about certain aspects of today's American society:


Would Christ be rich like Republicans? Christ would have never been rich for one simple reason; he would have given away any money he had to those that really needed it. Hey "Christians", how many of you are rich? How many of you have more than our chocolate brothers in the ghettos? If you have more than people in your nearest "bad" part of town, you aren't practicing Christs love. In communities that practice Christs' true love, there are no ghettos. And rest assured, those forced to live in the ghetto know God and Christ far better than those that confine them there, as they have endured oppression faithfully, never marching on societies rich kingdoms and killing their inhabitants though their actions are clearly sin full.

What would Christ say about "in god we trust" on the dollar bill?

He'd be disgusted. God has nothing to do with money. People kill each other, distrust and generally don't like each other over money. What is the number one thing that kills a marriage? Its money. Anything that opens one to greed, hatred, and suspicion is not a thing of God. Christ would say that people that feel he would have been fine with "in god we trust"on money, don't understand Christs' true love. Sin is really defined as: purposeful behavior that defies the true love of Christ.

So lets talk about "sins".

Here's what Christ feels about what "Christians" are calling sins:

People living together before being married;

People that love God and have to find survival living together, trying to survive a society of "Christians" that make it so they have to live together to stay alive, is not sinning, its the opposite of sin. It is a reflection of God. Anyone that criticizes these children of God is partaking in sin. Why haven't today's "Christians" created a society where one income can provide a place to live for a man? I seem to remember that in the 50's in America a man could find a job that would pay him enough for shelter not only for himself but a family as well! The fact that greed has allowed society to take this from its own men is one of the biggest sins "Christians" can perpetrate. Somehow today's "Christians" feel they can ship the lively hood of good God loving men, trying to have families of their own, to other nations and that's not a sin. This is a misunderstanding of Christs true love.

What could possibly turn into sin for these children of God is if one becomes pregnant and both parents refuse to shelter the new life from the harms of life, for this is truly sin; knowingly and willingly neglecting the needs of life one has created is a gross sin. A society that forces men to not be able to provide for their young is also a sinning society. So when one ignores the sin that creates a situation where others have to sin, this is also one of the greatest sins of all, literally. Let us all partake in the blame of sin, that way well be more compelled to create a society where Gods children don't have to sin.

The term sin has come to be defined as whatever "Christians" disapprove of. So like the White house that has recently been hijacked by the Bush family and Republican cronies, I'm taking it back. I'm taking the true definition of the term sin back to how Christ defined it.

Sinning is really defined as: purposeful behavior that defies the true love of Christ.

Sex before marriage:

The implication here is that 2 people will not come together for the protection of the child if there is no commitment on their behalves to do so (marriage). This lack of protection for the new life is sin full. This is regardless of the marital status of the couple. In other words, a couple could be together, unmarried, only want to be with each other, love each other and the child and not be sinners or sinning in any fashion. Sin is the purposeful rejection of Christ pure love.

When no child is involved;

If the partners have no love for each other and have sex before marriage, they may willingly or not give each other disease. If they don't stay together sparing others this infection, they are sinning. Whether lack of love for their own safe well being, lack of love for each others safe well-being or not caring about the safe well-being of others who may get infected later is the sin, the lack of Christ pure love.


Christ would never have approved of any man made apparatus that takes life away. He would say that in life we all will tend to disagree and sometimes passionately, however we must keep our disagreements to an intellectual level, make all arguments with true love in mind and lovingly respect the ideas of those you will disagree with. If those that you disagree with turn to violence against you, use the gifts god has given you to protect yourself, your mind, your body, and your love, but never seek to destroy them. For they are life like you and simply need help, not punishment.

The Chinese created gun powder and to this day do not rely on guns for protection. They created the yo-yo, which we laugh at here in America as a viable weapon of protection, however the Chinese understood early that weapons used to forcefully remove ones life was not the true loving way. Yes, the yo-yo is a more Christ like weapon if there ever was one, than the gun.

So Americans would logically ask how would Christ feel about the 2nd amendment?

This is a very complex matter as it mixes the fore fathers intent for citizens to arm themselves against tyrannical governments with a society that ever increasingly feels that Christs truly loving way would not allow for a dependence on guns. This is a bit of a dilemma and requires some real deep consideration using Christs love as the base for all thought.

On the one hand, lets say in the recent election John McCain would have won. Lets say that people rioted in the streets in protest and he sent in the Militia / Army to quell the situation. Would I agree with guns being used to protect good citizens from this corrupt fascist regime? Christ of course would not want the fighting to exist, but would he suggest to the people to allow themselves to be destroyed by the Militia? Would he know that their hearts are but the few last pure hearts left and suggest for them to use their god given faculties to protect themselves?

Besides, I imagine a scene where ordinary citizens are having to arm themselves against U.S. military. Even if you were armed, would you want to step to the U.S. army even if it was to protect your family? I cant imagine anyone that would want to do that. I suppose the founders wanted a way that the people could be free of tyranny by any means necessary, but in todays age, might there be better, less violent ways to protect ourselves?

How do we protect ourselves in truly Christian ways?

Obviously the Military will need a way to shoot down missiles from other countries, so they would be permitted to have large enough guns that they could not take life with, but rather shoot down missiles from other countries. The Military might be to weak if it didn't have proper guns when other nations do attack on foot. These guns however could be used against its own people, according to the founding fathers.

The founding fathers imagined a possibility of a government being so out of control and tyrannical that they delivered to us the 2nd amendment, allowing for citizens to protect themselves from their own government. Wow. When I imagine this situation I firstly imagine that there must be more diplomatic and / or legal ways to keep the U.S. forces from attacking their own people. Is this all were really left with in today's society? A society that calls itself foremost "Christian" to all other nations, and clings to its 2nd amendment right to stockpile weapons in ones house just in case a corrupt government kicks open your door and wants to kill you and yours?

I digress here for a moment;

(As a side note away from the current issue)

So what are we selling to the rest of the world? We expect the rest of the world to accept American democracy and free market capitalism; which allows for homeless men to be forgotten about and stepped over on the street, and a society clinging to its guns in fear of what its own government will to do it? Wow, isn't that what you would expect happens in a place like China that we've all been lead to believe has some of the worst human rights abuses in the world?

As a piggy back to this idea, Ive always seen the white pride movement claim that they are the superior race to all others. "Really?", Ive always asked inquisitively. So Ive looked. What is it that makes the white pride people so proud of their culture that they so bravely burn crosses on others lawns? In my mind, when I think of a culture worth fighting in the streets for, or killing innocent people for, that culture must (when left to its own devices) provide health care and schools to all its people. Full employment to all its own people with attention to them first and not other countries that will simply "do it for cheaper". Healthy foods abound to take care of the populace, free and open places of worship. Healthy and happy, caring and loving societies. Well it appears that after you annihilated the native population you were left to your own devices. This was a time before slaves reached the American shores. What does that society represent? All the wonderful things mentioned above? Well, you've created a society which allows for homeless men to be forgotten about and stepped over on the street, and a society clinging to its guns in fear of what its own government will to do it? Besides, if your true racists, then when left to your own devices, you will start to pull your own members out of the pack to accuse them of racial impropriety, ultimately turning on itself. We saw this happen during the Salem Witch trials. So don't kid yourselves white pride-sters, if all of the "mongrels" were wiped out, you'd have the same miserable, crappy, hate-filled lives you've always had, just with out the rest of us to blame for it. So before you look like an idiot and start violence against innocents, because deep down you know your racist lifestyle is weak, take and use that energy to create the society you claim is worth fighting for. I'm sure the elders of your group will agree.

So basically its unchristian to not think with love and its un-American to remove the ability to choose and to remove options when one can choose. Christians frequently seek to remove options in the name of religion, and this is against Christ pure love.

Christianity in America has been hijacked by hate-filled rich people. If they can get us all to feel guilty enough about not being as religious as they are, then they think they control us. We all know they yell so loudly about our morals because behind the scenes they can not follow what they preach. And the truth is we are morally superior, as evidenced in the fact that we don't yell as loudly at others about their morals. As morally superior people, we don't have to accuse anyone or ever say "I don't agree" with someones lifestyle. Id absolutely love to hear all about the grapefruits love of God if they could just say they love someone not like them.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Why sending jobs overseas has led us to the 2nd great depression

So all I hear from Republicans with regard to sending jobs overseas is how so many new high paying jobs will be created in the U.S. when we send our jobs overseas. This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Here's a comprehensive list of the damaging effects of off shoring:

1. That's great that you send every Americans job overseas but then what do we do with Americans that have to change industries now? The government that promotes sending jobs offshore has a responsibility to take care of Americans displaced by this off shoring. That means more tax money spent now in the form of Vocational / School vouchers and government sponsored training programs. Also, the government gets to do the research to see what training they should offer. The government is responsible if they offer training for industries that get shipped overseas the next day. Wow, sounds expensive but it is the right thing to do, and is done in many countries in Europe. That raises taxes for all by the way.

2. There is a smaller amount of tax dollars coming into the government because the off shore wage is so much smaller. Less money for homeless and cleaning up ghettos here in America. That money could also go to education, investment in alternate fuel sources, medical care for all Americans. The list of things Americans deserve is endless but gets shorter when we decide to send jobs off shore.

3. Those dollars made by foreigners are kept in their economies, sent back home to family, I'm sure you've no doubt heard someone from China or India say in this country. Hey, what about my family and my parents? Why don't I deserve to make that money for them? Why should it go to someone elses family in India or China or wherever decides to undercut Americans? Fairytale economics teaches us that they will spend those dollars sent back home on expensive American products in their own countries. But if they do not, if they purchase much cheaper products made in their own country, those dollars are lost to you and I forever.

4. The government frequently makes student loans for training in work that is strictly done overseas (basically everything), thus shipping those jobs away that one was recently trained in! So now there are huge student loans that cant be paid back simply because the government gave tax credits to businesses to ship those jobs away. Now all that's available if your lucky is a job at Wall mart that will keep that loan open for much longer and raising taxes for all because of this. Taxes go down when there aren't looming student loans.

5. When one is made unemployed because their industry has been shipped overseas, they usually will receive unemployment insurance which once again drains on the system, again raising taxes. The fewer people we have collecting unemployment the less tax money we have to pay as tax payers.

6. When everyones spending power is reduced to Wallmart wages, dont expect banks to stay around very long. If everyone has to live in an apartment, that is just profit to the pocket of apartment owners instead of being capital gaining interes and being available to new business owners, anyone looking for capital for any reason. Now again weve shrank the amount of tax money comming in thus raising tax rates. We can have lots of tax dollars comming in from employed Americans so we can have a lower tax rate overall, or we can have fewer tax dollars becuase ther is less income to tax thus forcing us to raise the tax rate becuse there are fewer dollars to tax!

7. Fairytale economics teaches us that the savings earned by businesses by offshoring will be reinvested into the company and new higher paying jobs will emerge!! But what if the business owner or board investor wants to turn a profit instead of reinvest this year? Well guess what, no job creation and again a lower tax base for what all society needs.

So all you "lower tax" fans out there, guess what; when you offshore jobs, taxes go way up exponentially for everyone!!! So its very hard to listen to someone that says that they support offshoring and lower taxes.

Whats so great about depression anyway?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A new brand of Christianity, Perfection

Today, in the hopes I can share some wonderful wisdom with the Senator from Illinois, I will take head on all the "hate" arguments that right-wing religion has to offer. Hopefully, this will show all that some in the Democratic party live the teachings of Christ without flaw, and these people are ready to take on directly any issue that usually "bullies" democrats and free people in general.


Christ had no bible to read from but he spoke the word none-the-less. This power resides in all of us when we accept his true teachings.

"Christians" that hate gays-

Foremost gays love each other. This is what Christ would defend. People who love are never sinning. Gays also express that love with sex, exactly as "Christians" do. So as far as I can tell, gays are living Christ precepts more than "Christians"are.


I was shocked to finally hear a politician say what Ive been saying all along;

First as Americans and Christians we will agree that we love each other and hold each other in high regard as such (this follows Christs' precepts). In staying with this theme, there will be no tolerance for either side calling each other "baby killer", "baby eater" or anything that is a ridiculous perversion of a fellow Americans character. Now that we've set some ground rules we can have a non-emotional, logic based discussion.

Who would Christ consider in the debate? All parties! So, right-wing Christians, heck any-wing; spend more time voting for politicians that will make a society where women can be free to be the mothers they all want to be and are supposed to be. Well not make assumptions that women don't want to be mothers, they may or may not, but both of these groups need protection. I guarantee you, make a society where people can make a living wage and the number of abortions goes down. Lets you and me fellow Americans and Christians work together to make the society Perfect.

As it stands right now, America has shipped away my ability to program computers for a living. Because of this I stand and wait for someone to pay me a living wage so that I can have my own semblance of family. See, when I was born there was no one there but my mother the Secretary, Marlene. My birth father Johnathan had left before I was born. When I was born my mother had no family as she was adopted and both adoptive parents died early in her life. All there was, was she and I. Ive always dreamed of having someone I could call flesh and blood (other than just Mom). So I worked my way out of the ghetto and actually, with much help from loans and scholarships, into a Bachelors degree in Computer Science. No sooner than I graduate I'm told in the very few interviews Ive been on that most jobs are shipped overseas or people are shipped into the U.S. for these jobs. So I feel like the Republicans who call themselves "Christians" are aborting my child. We all have to work together to make it possible for good, hard working Americans to be rewarded for their hard work. I remember working 2 full time jobs and going to school on the bus in LA! So before anyone is quick to denounce doctors or women or stand with negative signs, put your energy into actually fixing the issue not just complaining about it. For if you have a clear path to fix the issue and do nothing, all the arguments you make for its case are hard to accept. If you really care about this issue, you will do as Christ would have done and all people will have no choice but to make the change with you.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reasons and Fixes for the "Economic Crisis"

What will happen from “bailing out” these companies? Will legislation change to assure that when we do spend the $700 billion this won’t happen again? What happens when in 5 years the same economic policies fail us again? Just another bail out? What, until there is no more money left in America? Is that the foresight of the future? If I went to my job and created this type of situation is anyone going to bail me out? How many other small businesses have had to go out of business and they won’t get a bail out!
How do I teach my kids to be responsible when the government doesn’t exemplify responsibility?

Instead of bailouts which are a very nice and easy way to shirk responsibility, Republicans should take responsibility for their failed “fairytale economics”. McCain now says lets not play the blame game and fix the problem; well it’s the republicans’ failed fairytale economics that got us here, so, if we examine how we got here, well know how to get back.

Republicans thought they could ship jobs over seas with no repercussions. In the 40’s and 50’s people would get ran out of town on a rail for suggesting such unpatriotic ideas, but today being unpatriotic is popular especially for Republican business owners.

It doesn’t take a genius to see that if you ship all the work to other countries, you can’t collect taxes in general and you certainly will have a smaller amount of people that can afford home loans. Also never considered by republicans is that all the money that gets paid to China and India for doing all our work, goes strait to their economies and relatives / family. That money leaves the American economy forever. These ugly facts about outsourcing is the reason we are in this mess. If jobs stay in America people can get loans and can pay them back. This is the backbone of the economy as you can see, and now that this has been removed, the backbone is falling apart. All I ever hear from republicans that support outsourcing is how outsourcing makes it so a business can grow and flourish from all the savings they get from outsourcing, and that will create jobs, but what if those making that profit stick it in their bank accounts instead of growing their business? Then there still is no growth and no jobs. So fairytale economics doesn’t work, it only causes banks to fail and that leads to depressions.

So then what is the fix?

1. If the republicans take responsibility and say that they recognize they got us into this and they are willing to relinquish control so we, the democratic working man can step in freely and fix the problem, partisan politics will now have been removed, and republicans would be able to at least take credit for that.

2. Outsourcing is the “source” of this catastrophe. All that needs to be written is legislation to forbid outsourcing, in the immediate future. That will create a massive amount of new jobs that will have to be filled if a business is to survive. Sure they will have to hire less employees but that’s the price they pay for making so much extra money for the last 8 years when the rest of us have had to starve.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Short Answer to the "financial crisis"

Sending manufacturing jobs to China and science / tech to India made it so mortgages could not possibly be paid in America, crippling an economy that relies on mortgage payments. Why should we waste $700 billion on companies that will continue to steal / misappropriate when we should be spending that money on investing in new jobs; the thing that got us in this mess in the first place? I would, as a tax payer paying the $700 billion, prefer to spend that money on new jobs.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Republicans and "fairytale economics" (I coined that phrase!)

You misguided Republicans. You thought you could outsource every ones jobs and by lowering the interest rate you were gonna make it all OK. News flash; if people don't have income they cant pay for their mortgages at all, regardless of interest rates. But I know you did all this to make the whole country indentured servants to you, you try to keep everyone economic slaves whenever you get the chance, and this is your last chance for a while and you know it. So, in that regard, my hats off to you, you really screwed this country for generations and spit in the faces of every good American that ever gave their life for freedom. Republicans you are truly a disservice to this nation and a national disgrace.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


The opposition better pray I never get to write the laws, because if I do:

I would pass into legislation that if a citizen doesn't vote in the current election, they do not get to vote in the next election.

If they wish to vote in the following election they would have to re-register and vote in that election for the right to vote in the next election and so on.

I would revoke the citizenship of families and children that are gang-bangers and send them back to the countries they came from. I say this my fellow brothers not from a place of hatred for gangsters. I love you all my brothers and wish that if all you have here in the States is pain and death then I wish that with your families, back in the country you come from you can find the peace every being deserves to experience at least once in life. I know the circumstances that exist when you are born in America and being a gangster is just survival, I do not criticize anyone, the opposite in fact, I wish that your life can be as full and fulfilling as you wish it to be. This would also relieve some of the violence that exists in American society today. The more gangsters that are removed, the more innocents will survive. I seek peace for all life in the Universe. Bless all life-forms.

Grapefruits that want to bomb abortion clinics and hurt mothers, fathers, children and doctors, I say this;

1. If you vote for officials that will create a society where women don't have to have abortions and

2. you can guarantee zero abuse of children placed into the care system

I'm with you, lets outlaw abortions. Its nasty to have to do and no one wants to. That's the truth and anyone that wants to portray anything otherwise just isn't human.

This being said I will create 'elastic' laws that will change when certain conditions aren't met. For example;

If there is any abuse of children at all, or women are forced into the position of having to consider abortion, it will be legal.

So societies actions and not just rhetoric and hate will determine the law. This is how law should be and I'm sure the founders would agree. Let freedom ring!

"Christians" or "pro-lifers" or whatever you call your self, remember this:

Christ would have considered the best thing for ALL parties involved in the abortion issue. The mother, father, fetus, child and doctor. And I'm sure even more people than that. You should focus your clinic bombing and doctor harassing (hatred in general) in making a society where women don't have to give up there babies in any fashion!

A "pro-life" person would really be for all the lives involved as Christ would have. So once again, the grapefruit tries to say they are in favor of life, but never can speak any love for any of the lives involved, other than the fetus. "Pro-life" considers all the lives involved.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Heres why your not as bad as they want you to feel

So my friends, here is a list of some of the things Ive had to hear in my life that evil people will say to try to exert power over you by making you feel guilty or bad about yourself (even when you've done everything you can in their best interest). Sad I or anyone else alive has ever had to endure these but here my brothers is the strength to overpower this popular trick of the devil:

Grapefruits will try to take power by saying (Ill define a Grapefruit in a minute):

"It says this or that in the scripture, do you Sir read the scripture?"

or "do you go to church, Sir?"

or "do you believe in god, Sir?"

or "are you a Christian, Sir?"

Well Mr. Grapefruit,

[Note: Definition of Grapefruit:

Think of this for a moment my friends. Close your eyes. Imagine a grape (any grape.) Now imagine a grapefruit. What do these have in common. Not much right. Nothing but the name. You find grape in the name grapefruit. That's the end of the similarities. This is true of most "Christians" in American society. They follow Christ in name only, so as to exert power over you, make you feel bad for not calling yourself a "Christian". Come now, most Christian schools in American society are private but for the few rich that can afford to get in. Does this seem very "Christian-like"? A better example of Christianity is public school where all society comes together for a better purpose. This was also the founding precept of democracy. So as far as I can tell Mr. Grapefruit, your ways are unpatriotic to democracy and a mockery of true Christianity.]

So when someone asks you:

Q. "are you a Christian?" [You my brothers and sisters may feel confident and proud to say] "No, I actually follow Christs' philosophies."

And here's how you can answer the rest of the questions to show the true intent of the questioner and speak in the true spirit of Christ:

Q."do you go to church Sir?";

A. Christ said that the man that commits sins during the week and goes to Church only to show others a false love to god on Sunday is one of the worst perversions of truth there can be and as such, is one of the devils best tricks. I choose to stay in the sight of my family at home and show them what real Christianity and love is. Sometimes well choose to go to Church to share the joy but god loves us whether we go to Church or not as long as we are pure of heart. Are you Mr. Grapefruit pure of heart?

Q. "do you believe in god Sir?"

A. Yes I do, [and here's why you my brother also believe in God]. When God is defined properly we all can believe in and utilize its power through the power of our intention. People always "ask how does God allow bad things to happen to good people?". The answer is simple my friends. God doesn't allow bad things to happen to good folks. When good folks turn their backs on God, that's when bad things happen. If there is a tornado folks are quick to blame God. God actually gave us the brains to figure out how to build underground shelters. If we ignored the intelligence to figure this out we have actually turned our backs on God. After all, a tornado maybe just a colon cleanse for mother earth. Not her fault if we get in the way and don't prepare for it. Now if God had made it so we couldn't possibly figure this out or had no shelter to dig into then maybe one could claim that in fact God has it out for us but this simply isn't the truth. You can apply this philosophy to any problem. The fact is God has given us the ability to figure the correct solution for any given problem. When this is ignored it sure can feel like 'God Hates Us All.' But, that's simply not the truth.

First of all when defining God lets first say God is energy, spirit like whats in our living bodies (as opposed to what a corps has). Imagine when you die and your spirit leaves your body. It joins into all the other spirits that have died before you, all life. Its a pool of energy. Not visible of course but neither is wi-fi or magnetic waves, but they are there for sure non-the-less.
This energy has the ability to effect other energies outside and inside the living body, such as electricity / electrical waves etc. (By the way, the cells of the brain send small electrical signals to each other to communicate). This energy is connected to the energy of every organism found in nature. Now imagine for a moment, if you don't believe in this power or don't even know it exists, then how can you ever reap its rewards! How can it give to you and make your life better if you don't ever care to recognize it? Recognition of this power and a pure heart are the only ways to truly know the power that people call the "power of God". We all get to feel it when someone saves lives or someone does something good for the rest of us, unselfishly. We feel it when babies are born, and when we love all life in the universe. This is truly the "power" of God if ever there was one to be defined.

From this energy, new life comes. So the pool is a spinning door. Some life leaves when some life joins.

If we can agree on these things about God, God will no longer be ambiguous and we can all agree as a people. Never again do we need implications of each others Gods and hence less religious war in general.

If grapefruits say they believe in this God then then we all agree and there is no reason for them to try and make you feel bad. Then were one and not separate like they try and make you feel, we are truly one people.

Q. "It says this or that in the scripture, do you Sir read the scripture?"

A. Yes i have read some of the Bible. I ask you this question; Did Jesus have a bible when he was alive? No, he did not, so anyone that hides behind the bible to not express true love for all life in the universe is a grapefruit. An evil man can use the bible for evil gains, and the same can be said of the righteous man. The point is that it takes an evil or righteous man to use the bible, not whats in the bible. More discussion needs to be spent on how to get people to act in honorable ways (through responsible example), and not to confuse them with literature. The bottom line is, a righteous man did righteous acts and a bible was created to show that man and his message. You my friend are a man as well and can have books written about you!

Off the top of my head, these are just the most popular chants I seem to always hear so Ill be adding new stuff to this chapter quite a bit i can foresee.

So take these words as a shield from the grapefruits my friends. Feel good that you have always lived the principles of Christ and didn't have to make others feel bad about not feeling that way like grapefruits always seem to do. Seems strange doesn't it, some one making you feel bad and talking about Jesus and Christianity? When someone talks of Jesus Christ shouldn't it make you feel good? Of course, so don't be confused, the devil works also in mysterious ways! Be fooled not my brothers!! This is how grapefruits have turned everyone off to Christ and his love. And I see why they do it, so they can alienate and manipulate the masses that actually do believe in the love of Christ. Then they can make people feel bad because they have the market on loving God and if you don't do as they say then you don't love God. Pretty slick devil, but you don't get off that easy with me!

Next chapter will cover the warmonger who is married to the grapefruit for control of the White house, stay tuned True Patriots!!!


Hello my fellow Americans, and all brothers across the globe that are defenders of all life in the Universe. I'm a 34 year old computer guy that has had his work shipped over seas. With all this new found free time I feel compelled to sit and share the truth as I observe it to be, in all aspects of life. I certainly welcome any feedback as there really appears to be a need now-a-days for people to hear the simple basic truth as many "prophets" have tried to express it in the past. Every religion has its "prophet", I seek to apply the truth of these "prophets" in a basic daily practice I simply call, Perfection.

And for any potential employers that read this and decide not to hire me because of it, remember this;

Sometimes pride is more valuable than your own life or even the lives of your family, and it would make me proud to not work with people that disagree with the truth.

So many people hide who they really are at work so they can take care of the family, then we find that when we go to work, the company doesn't have to have any morals, it doesn't have to reflect who you are, especially when your a good, decent, hard working member of society. This "hypocrisy of our democracy" has been perverted beyond belief and I now understand that I exist to expose this fundamental truth. Good people of the world we hide no longer.

This being said, there are many who will try to call me unpatriotic for speaking the truth. Of course they have to do that. If they do opposite of what a true patriot says they should be doing, they have to portray otherwise. Its simple. I now, roughly, at the age of Christ (when he got unruly) understand the true nature of evil in this country and man in general. Its when we recognize this evil and expose it for what it is we find the courage to stand eye to eye with the devil. When we take away his tricks we take away his power to confuse, and love is clear. My purpose is to show you how the devil tricks so you can be aware of how he operates. It starts now as you read these words. Welcome my friends you have arrived to the true brotherhood of man and the truth of American Life.