Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reasons and Fixes for the "Economic Crisis"

What will happen from “bailing out” these companies? Will legislation change to assure that when we do spend the $700 billion this won’t happen again? What happens when in 5 years the same economic policies fail us again? Just another bail out? What, until there is no more money left in America? Is that the foresight of the future? If I went to my job and created this type of situation is anyone going to bail me out? How many other small businesses have had to go out of business and they won’t get a bail out!
How do I teach my kids to be responsible when the government doesn’t exemplify responsibility?

Instead of bailouts which are a very nice and easy way to shirk responsibility, Republicans should take responsibility for their failed “fairytale economics”. McCain now says lets not play the blame game and fix the problem; well it’s the republicans’ failed fairytale economics that got us here, so, if we examine how we got here, well know how to get back.

Republicans thought they could ship jobs over seas with no repercussions. In the 40’s and 50’s people would get ran out of town on a rail for suggesting such unpatriotic ideas, but today being unpatriotic is popular especially for Republican business owners.

It doesn’t take a genius to see that if you ship all the work to other countries, you can’t collect taxes in general and you certainly will have a smaller amount of people that can afford home loans. Also never considered by republicans is that all the money that gets paid to China and India for doing all our work, goes strait to their economies and relatives / family. That money leaves the American economy forever. These ugly facts about outsourcing is the reason we are in this mess. If jobs stay in America people can get loans and can pay them back. This is the backbone of the economy as you can see, and now that this has been removed, the backbone is falling apart. All I ever hear from republicans that support outsourcing is how outsourcing makes it so a business can grow and flourish from all the savings they get from outsourcing, and that will create jobs, but what if those making that profit stick it in their bank accounts instead of growing their business? Then there still is no growth and no jobs. So fairytale economics doesn’t work, it only causes banks to fail and that leads to depressions.

So then what is the fix?

1. If the republicans take responsibility and say that they recognize they got us into this and they are willing to relinquish control so we, the democratic working man can step in freely and fix the problem, partisan politics will now have been removed, and republicans would be able to at least take credit for that.

2. Outsourcing is the “source” of this catastrophe. All that needs to be written is legislation to forbid outsourcing, in the immediate future. That will create a massive amount of new jobs that will have to be filled if a business is to survive. Sure they will have to hire less employees but that’s the price they pay for making so much extra money for the last 8 years when the rest of us have had to starve.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Short Answer to the "financial crisis"

Sending manufacturing jobs to China and science / tech to India made it so mortgages could not possibly be paid in America, crippling an economy that relies on mortgage payments. Why should we waste $700 billion on companies that will continue to steal / misappropriate when we should be spending that money on investing in new jobs; the thing that got us in this mess in the first place? I would, as a tax payer paying the $700 billion, prefer to spend that money on new jobs.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Republicans and "fairytale economics" (I coined that phrase!)

You misguided Republicans. You thought you could outsource every ones jobs and by lowering the interest rate you were gonna make it all OK. News flash; if people don't have income they cant pay for their mortgages at all, regardless of interest rates. But I know you did all this to make the whole country indentured servants to you, you try to keep everyone economic slaves whenever you get the chance, and this is your last chance for a while and you know it. So, in that regard, my hats off to you, you really screwed this country for generations and spit in the faces of every good American that ever gave their life for freedom. Republicans you are truly a disservice to this nation and a national disgrace.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


The opposition better pray I never get to write the laws, because if I do:

I would pass into legislation that if a citizen doesn't vote in the current election, they do not get to vote in the next election.

If they wish to vote in the following election they would have to re-register and vote in that election for the right to vote in the next election and so on.

I would revoke the citizenship of families and children that are gang-bangers and send them back to the countries they came from. I say this my fellow brothers not from a place of hatred for gangsters. I love you all my brothers and wish that if all you have here in the States is pain and death then I wish that with your families, back in the country you come from you can find the peace every being deserves to experience at least once in life. I know the circumstances that exist when you are born in America and being a gangster is just survival, I do not criticize anyone, the opposite in fact, I wish that your life can be as full and fulfilling as you wish it to be. This would also relieve some of the violence that exists in American society today. The more gangsters that are removed, the more innocents will survive. I seek peace for all life in the Universe. Bless all life-forms.

Grapefruits that want to bomb abortion clinics and hurt mothers, fathers, children and doctors, I say this;

1. If you vote for officials that will create a society where women don't have to have abortions and

2. you can guarantee zero abuse of children placed into the care system

I'm with you, lets outlaw abortions. Its nasty to have to do and no one wants to. That's the truth and anyone that wants to portray anything otherwise just isn't human.

This being said I will create 'elastic' laws that will change when certain conditions aren't met. For example;

If there is any abuse of children at all, or women are forced into the position of having to consider abortion, it will be legal.

So societies actions and not just rhetoric and hate will determine the law. This is how law should be and I'm sure the founders would agree. Let freedom ring!

"Christians" or "pro-lifers" or whatever you call your self, remember this:

Christ would have considered the best thing for ALL parties involved in the abortion issue. The mother, father, fetus, child and doctor. And I'm sure even more people than that. You should focus your clinic bombing and doctor harassing (hatred in general) in making a society where women don't have to give up there babies in any fashion!

A "pro-life" person would really be for all the lives involved as Christ would have. So once again, the grapefruit tries to say they are in favor of life, but never can speak any love for any of the lives involved, other than the fetus. "Pro-life" considers all the lives involved.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Heres why your not as bad as they want you to feel

So my friends, here is a list of some of the things Ive had to hear in my life that evil people will say to try to exert power over you by making you feel guilty or bad about yourself (even when you've done everything you can in their best interest). Sad I or anyone else alive has ever had to endure these but here my brothers is the strength to overpower this popular trick of the devil:

Grapefruits will try to take power by saying (Ill define a Grapefruit in a minute):

"It says this or that in the scripture, do you Sir read the scripture?"

or "do you go to church, Sir?"

or "do you believe in god, Sir?"

or "are you a Christian, Sir?"

Well Mr. Grapefruit,

[Note: Definition of Grapefruit:

Think of this for a moment my friends. Close your eyes. Imagine a grape (any grape.) Now imagine a grapefruit. What do these have in common. Not much right. Nothing but the name. You find grape in the name grapefruit. That's the end of the similarities. This is true of most "Christians" in American society. They follow Christ in name only, so as to exert power over you, make you feel bad for not calling yourself a "Christian". Come now, most Christian schools in American society are private but for the few rich that can afford to get in. Does this seem very "Christian-like"? A better example of Christianity is public school where all society comes together for a better purpose. This was also the founding precept of democracy. So as far as I can tell Mr. Grapefruit, your ways are unpatriotic to democracy and a mockery of true Christianity.]

So when someone asks you:

Q. "are you a Christian?" [You my brothers and sisters may feel confident and proud to say] "No, I actually follow Christs' philosophies."

And here's how you can answer the rest of the questions to show the true intent of the questioner and speak in the true spirit of Christ:

Q."do you go to church Sir?";

A. Christ said that the man that commits sins during the week and goes to Church only to show others a false love to god on Sunday is one of the worst perversions of truth there can be and as such, is one of the devils best tricks. I choose to stay in the sight of my family at home and show them what real Christianity and love is. Sometimes well choose to go to Church to share the joy but god loves us whether we go to Church or not as long as we are pure of heart. Are you Mr. Grapefruit pure of heart?

Q. "do you believe in god Sir?"

A. Yes I do, [and here's why you my brother also believe in God]. When God is defined properly we all can believe in and utilize its power through the power of our intention. People always "ask how does God allow bad things to happen to good people?". The answer is simple my friends. God doesn't allow bad things to happen to good folks. When good folks turn their backs on God, that's when bad things happen. If there is a tornado folks are quick to blame God. God actually gave us the brains to figure out how to build underground shelters. If we ignored the intelligence to figure this out we have actually turned our backs on God. After all, a tornado maybe just a colon cleanse for mother earth. Not her fault if we get in the way and don't prepare for it. Now if God had made it so we couldn't possibly figure this out or had no shelter to dig into then maybe one could claim that in fact God has it out for us but this simply isn't the truth. You can apply this philosophy to any problem. The fact is God has given us the ability to figure the correct solution for any given problem. When this is ignored it sure can feel like 'God Hates Us All.' But, that's simply not the truth.

First of all when defining God lets first say God is energy, spirit like whats in our living bodies (as opposed to what a corps has). Imagine when you die and your spirit leaves your body. It joins into all the other spirits that have died before you, all life. Its a pool of energy. Not visible of course but neither is wi-fi or magnetic waves, but they are there for sure non-the-less.
This energy has the ability to effect other energies outside and inside the living body, such as electricity / electrical waves etc. (By the way, the cells of the brain send small electrical signals to each other to communicate). This energy is connected to the energy of every organism found in nature. Now imagine for a moment, if you don't believe in this power or don't even know it exists, then how can you ever reap its rewards! How can it give to you and make your life better if you don't ever care to recognize it? Recognition of this power and a pure heart are the only ways to truly know the power that people call the "power of God". We all get to feel it when someone saves lives or someone does something good for the rest of us, unselfishly. We feel it when babies are born, and when we love all life in the universe. This is truly the "power" of God if ever there was one to be defined.

From this energy, new life comes. So the pool is a spinning door. Some life leaves when some life joins.

If we can agree on these things about God, God will no longer be ambiguous and we can all agree as a people. Never again do we need implications of each others Gods and hence less religious war in general.

If grapefruits say they believe in this God then then we all agree and there is no reason for them to try and make you feel bad. Then were one and not separate like they try and make you feel, we are truly one people.

Q. "It says this or that in the scripture, do you Sir read the scripture?"

A. Yes i have read some of the Bible. I ask you this question; Did Jesus have a bible when he was alive? No, he did not, so anyone that hides behind the bible to not express true love for all life in the universe is a grapefruit. An evil man can use the bible for evil gains, and the same can be said of the righteous man. The point is that it takes an evil or righteous man to use the bible, not whats in the bible. More discussion needs to be spent on how to get people to act in honorable ways (through responsible example), and not to confuse them with literature. The bottom line is, a righteous man did righteous acts and a bible was created to show that man and his message. You my friend are a man as well and can have books written about you!

Off the top of my head, these are just the most popular chants I seem to always hear so Ill be adding new stuff to this chapter quite a bit i can foresee.

So take these words as a shield from the grapefruits my friends. Feel good that you have always lived the principles of Christ and didn't have to make others feel bad about not feeling that way like grapefruits always seem to do. Seems strange doesn't it, some one making you feel bad and talking about Jesus and Christianity? When someone talks of Jesus Christ shouldn't it make you feel good? Of course, so don't be confused, the devil works also in mysterious ways! Be fooled not my brothers!! This is how grapefruits have turned everyone off to Christ and his love. And I see why they do it, so they can alienate and manipulate the masses that actually do believe in the love of Christ. Then they can make people feel bad because they have the market on loving God and if you don't do as they say then you don't love God. Pretty slick devil, but you don't get off that easy with me!

Next chapter will cover the warmonger who is married to the grapefruit for control of the White house, stay tuned True Patriots!!!


Hello my fellow Americans, and all brothers across the globe that are defenders of all life in the Universe. I'm a 34 year old computer guy that has had his work shipped over seas. With all this new found free time I feel compelled to sit and share the truth as I observe it to be, in all aspects of life. I certainly welcome any feedback as there really appears to be a need now-a-days for people to hear the simple basic truth as many "prophets" have tried to express it in the past. Every religion has its "prophet", I seek to apply the truth of these "prophets" in a basic daily practice I simply call, Perfection.

And for any potential employers that read this and decide not to hire me because of it, remember this;

Sometimes pride is more valuable than your own life or even the lives of your family, and it would make me proud to not work with people that disagree with the truth.

So many people hide who they really are at work so they can take care of the family, then we find that when we go to work, the company doesn't have to have any morals, it doesn't have to reflect who you are, especially when your a good, decent, hard working member of society. This "hypocrisy of our democracy" has been perverted beyond belief and I now understand that I exist to expose this fundamental truth. Good people of the world we hide no longer.

This being said, there are many who will try to call me unpatriotic for speaking the truth. Of course they have to do that. If they do opposite of what a true patriot says they should be doing, they have to portray otherwise. Its simple. I now, roughly, at the age of Christ (when he got unruly) understand the true nature of evil in this country and man in general. Its when we recognize this evil and expose it for what it is we find the courage to stand eye to eye with the devil. When we take away his tricks we take away his power to confuse, and love is clear. My purpose is to show you how the devil tricks so you can be aware of how he operates. It starts now as you read these words. Welcome my friends you have arrived to the true brotherhood of man and the truth of American Life.