So at the time I got the new job, Bush had come out and told the nation, that he had single handedly destroyed the American economy. Duh George, that's what happens when you send every ones job offshore, there is no economy anymore. So let this be a recording of what actually happened. When we go to vote in November 2012, all the ADD american morons will try to blame Barack. Remember, the black man was sent in to clean (typical for this business we call America) and had nothing to do with making the mess, so he cant be blamed. Actually, no one else was stepping up to fix it. Republicans wanted to create more of the same mess. So that ends that story. This page if still up then, will remind everyone of the truth, the American truth.
So Ive heard some idiotic reasons some believe why this happened. The media is obviously paid by republicans because all they could do is blame the poor working man that just wanted a house for his family.
1. People that couldn't afford a house brought this nation to its knees.
If you believe that then you probably believe that the slaves brought Rome to its knees. Or you should blame Native American or African American people for the woes of the country. Hey, how about we blame babies! If those dang babies didn't want houses then the economy would be fine. Sorry but blaming the poor working man that just wants a house for his family shouldn't be used to overlook a government that released restrictions to bankers for loans and promotes sending jobs overseas. Bankers knew what they were doing when they made those loans available. Hey, don't you have to qualify for a loan? Ya well if you had to qualify, no one would be able to blame the working man. So everyone wants to blame the poor working man and not see the responsibility of the government and bankers. Who has more power, poor working man or bankers and politicians? If you believe that poor working man has more power to destroy the economy than the banks and President, then you obviously don't know much about economics. But you have shown that you are very able to be spoon fed crap from the bias media! Think for yourselves people and know that what the news says is usually wrong. That's why there's retractions. Besides, we all know the news is in it for the ratings, tell that to the same guy that thinks that working man destroyed the economy and he doesn't believe you (suddenly). Be smart, think if what they say makes any logical sense, if not don't believe it. And the one thing that shoots down the foolishness of working man wanting a house bringing down the economy; if the president had told businesses to hire American, poor working man could have paid for those houses, so we still could have allowed the republicans to remove economic regulations and survived. I bought a house that, at the time I didn't have the money for. But I also just got out of school with a Bachelor of IT degree to be told how all the companies were making money hand over fist sending IT jobs to India. Your telling me that wasn't the one most compelling reason that I couldn't afford a house? So place blame where its deserved, not on poor working people. And the saddest part is I hear this foolishness from poor working men I know! Thing is they have houses.
So this foolishness brings me to a thought that it doesn't seem too many people have had these days. All I ever hear is how we have to bend over for the rich, make their lives easier. We always believe, if we treat the rich like gods they'll give us jobs! Well we treated them like gods for the 8 years Bush was president and all they did was send our jobs to other nations. The truth people is this: (so simple i cant believe i even have to say this); the rich will be fine, they don't need us to bend over backwards because they are rich. Think: if you make the laws to take away money from the rich man, he gets a little less rich. If you make laws to take away money, from the working man, (like republicans always have and still do) he and his family dies. And republicans claim to be all about the family! I see, they are for the rich family. The poor family can die in the street for all they care, so dont be misled. Personally, I want to hear more "lets protect the weak", and less "lets protect the wicked / rich" from my fellow Americans. Think: if they were giving people (ie, good) they wouldn't have enough money to be called rich. I hope to god no one ever can be talking about things (money is a thing) and call me rich. If they talk about love, then they can call me rich.
Its soo funny if you watch people they always treat rich people like they are above humans. Truth is, giving people are human. Rich people obviously don't give. Sooo simple. More to come, stay tuned.
Monday, June 28, 2010
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