Thursday, March 31, 2022

If we put as much energy into life as we do death, we could survive

if we put as much energy into life as we do death we could survive 

We were supposed to preserve the Earth from the beginning

The earth was old by the time man awoke. Abusing the earth in the name of money and jobs wasn't the way. It was like the elder abuse that is so prevalent in white mans world. This surely would not spell longevity for life on earth. The forefathers were supposed to learn from the Natives how to respect the land and preserve it. They were to be kind to the natives and welcome them into their white world. Now Americans live in TeePees on the sidewalk just as the Natives did, and now that it's too late they realize they were supposed to preserve the land from the beginning just like the Natives did.

What America has become....


I am dedicating the rest of my life to Democracy in the workplace and co-ops


Check out my video on how we can be successful and financially wealthy by practicing more democracy

Here is how People with little money will be financially successful


The co-op

Democracy in the workplace

Worker owned co-ops are the path out of this Capitalist induced nightmare

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Nestle uses child slave labor

See the details here

The rich must say stuff like....

We don't care about votes.  We got money

Americans hate their own government yet it has "partners and allies"

If you ask any american how the feel about the government of the USA they will say they hate it and distrust it with every inch of their souls. Yet...the USA got "partners and allies". Likely

These are ways to circumvent democracy, the mockery of our democracy, such hypocrisy

Filibuster - a way to not do your job, click here to see

Electoral College -  a way to circumvent election results, click here

Lobbyists - buying politicians. Click here to see on Wikipedia. 

"I may live in poverty, but at least I can live with myself"

Reagan did not want to make their working conditions appropriate so he threw them in jail and prevented them from EVER working in air traffic control for the rest of their lives.  Boy, I always thought republicans were about giving the tools to be successful. The funny thing is that Reagan himself, joined a union when he was younger. He fought against the Screen Actors Guild

Would you rather live in a tent or fight for a good paying job by joining a union?

Would you rather live in a tent or fight for a good paying job by joining a union?

Reagan went on strike against the Screen Actors Guild

Reagan went on strike against the Screen Actors Guild. Then as president, he shut down the Air Traffic Controllers Union. They were underpaid, worked 6 days a week and on call for shift work. The rest of the middle class grew, as they did not, so they unified and went on strike. They risked jail for doing so, and were never allowed to work in aviation for the rest of their lives. He could have just gave them better hours and wages and hired more people, but no. Ruining their lives was easier. And the next crew came in after them and crashed planes because they then suffered the same as the last crew. Instead of feeding the slaves when they were starving, Reagan just cracked the whip

Forget the pieces on the chessboard, focus on the players

forget the pieces on the chessboard, focus on the players

if you are unemployed, homeless or on the brink, you are already in a Union. Workers unite now

 if you are unemployed, homeless or on the brink, you are already in a Union. Workers unite now

A union is a democracy in the workplace

A Labor Union is a democracy in the workplace. We also have a provision in the constitution that allows for the creation of unions

Here is an important event for Unions that existed in this country and Reagan shut them down with threats of violence and imprisonment

Americans letting their veterans die on the streets as they claim to be lovers of Jesus

Americans letting their veterans die on the streets as they claim to be lovers of Jesus

What if the 1% are all criminals? Aren't we a country of rule and law and human rights?

What if all the people with the money are just rapists, murders, violent offenders and molesters? It might justify their greed and the need to protect it. They seem to have a disregard for human life and have proven that.  We like to say we are about human rights. We say we are a  nation of rule of law. Should we allow criminals to run society solely on the merit that they have selfishly amassed a fortune and purchase politicians to keep it that way? And by the way, all the resources of this country belong to the Native population. Anything else is outright theft.

The difference between socialism, capitalism, and communism as simple as it gets

Capitalism = corporations run the country. Example: USA

Communism = the government runs the country. Example: Russia

Socialism = the people run the country. Example: France

No wonder Americans are so upset

Americans believe they live in a democracy but they don't. They believe they have free markets but they don't. The only freedom Americans have is to die alone penniless on the street sometimes with our families and kids in tow

Monday, March 28, 2022

The best formula for a happy life...

Socialism + Buddhism + Democracy = what I want in my life 

I am tired of all this black on black violence


"Can't we all just get along"

Only the lazy need to hoard money

Hard workin' people can create a community in the woods. Lazy people of money could NEVER accomplish that on their own. I am proud of the hard working man that I am

The hardest thing for a superpower is to change itself internally. Superpowers are weak

The hardest thing for a superpower is to change itself internally. The people of "superpowers" seem very powerless to change their evil regimes. I don't see much power from any of the "superpowers"

We are living in the new American genocide

Click the image to read about the US Govt. genocides

It's not quite Putin style, so far just an economic war of attrition. but that could change if a Trump gets into power and turns the military against its own people as they beg for food and shelter

First, the fascists made everyone an enemy of the state, who disagreed with their greed......

Click on the image to see the USA hitlist, I kid you not

If we don't get to vote on who gets killed, it could be any of us

Capitalism doesn't provide happiness but rather......


Congratulations USA, you have gone back to your roots and done it again!!! Way to go!!! Capitalist Democracy ALL over the WORLD!!!!!

I fully support Richard Wolff

Click on his face to see his website

Socialists are social. Capitalists are anti-social

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Go after the real enemy


Same crap, different day


Slaves, build me a monument to my power and prestige

Democracy and Capitalism cannot co-exist

Democracy and Capitalism are diametrically opposed. In the workplace, there is a dictatorship and no democracy. For a capitalist economy to exist. it must have authoritarian politics. A social economy only can survive with a democratic political system.  It is for this reason I believe the USA will soon turn into a dictatorship  (authoritarian) form of government 

Revolution now!


It is out of hand. Revolution NOW

Friday, March 25, 2022

Free markets promised lies

Free markets were supposed to provide:

lots of competition

choices for consumers

lower prices

but instead we have just a few companies that run a given industry. We have no choices, no competition and high prices. I guess free markets don't work. So, we can't leave housing, food, medicine, protection and things people need to survive, to free markets

I pay no taxes

And I love it. When one is at the poorest end of the spectrum there is no tax paid. When one is at the rich end of the spectrum, no tax is paid. However, for society to function, there must be tax money. By corporations creating unemployment, society as a whole doesnt get taxes. These taxes are given to the rich so they can buy back stocks and get even richer. Well I am proud that I don't contribute money for them to do this

America, the leader in corruption

unlimited funds for the bailout of mismanaged corporations but not a dime for unsheltered people dying on our city streets, who just want to work for said evil corporations. It's time to flip this script. Power to the People

How many have to die before we reject "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer"

As the entire american society goes homeless, are they then going to look at one another and say, "the rich gettin' richer and the poor getting poorer". Maybe when they find themselves as the poor, then they will fight against it

It used to be when people cared about morality, everyone loved the story of Robin Hood. He was a superhero. He robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. This is who we need in the White House right now and everyone needs to get their morality back

The corporate American dream.....

slavery. And they will have it unless we uphold policies in place to prevent this. The rich are actively working to keep a slave economy in the US

If we had democracy in the workplace, the employees would not be slaves to a slave master. Our economic functions mimics racism

Eat the rich

It’s time for revolution. Democracy in the workplace now

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The best presidents we have ever had

 Lyndon Baines Johnson

Click here to see why he was great

Here he is on YouTube

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Thanks to FDR, we have:

a federal minimum wage
unemployment insurance
he taxed the rich
The new deal he created to help unemployed Americans after the depression. He had 4 terms in office. After he did this, the Republicans reduced the number of terms to 2, so that would never happen again

Abraham Lincoln
He freed slaves

Workers of the world

Break the shackles of this oppressive racist regime. Someday soon all workers will just move into RV's and leave the soulless American economy. We will just live off enough to pay for gas, food and water. Then wall street can go be the workers. They should toil as we have had to, after all it's they that keep all the money. Refuse the American slave economy. They have forgotten that the power belongs to the people. When you shear the sheep to death, the rest will just find greener pastures. Then you will have NO sheep to shear

Unionize Everyone

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The new American dream

Is to move to Canada

The power is truly in the hands of the homeless

If homeless (un-loved) burned down society and went to jail, that would mean shelter, food and rehab from drugs. Hurting society would benefit them. Just like society has benefited by hurting them. It is economic warfare. Economic sanctions have been put on millions of Americans. How many jails will you have to build?

If it was a landslide win, why did he need to 'find' votes?

"Trump, in Taped Call, Pressured Georgia Official to ‘Find’ Votes to Overturn Election"

        Ny Times

If it was a landslide win, why did he need to 'find' votes?

And by the way. Having Russia hack emails to win an election is ACTUAL voter fraud and in my view is treason

I also believe promoting a coup and attacking democracy is treason and should be prosecuted as such. We must send American fascists a clear message

How could a country exist with greed being the core value?

And why should it be allowed to exist? Who wants to live in a world with that place? The USA must look like a plague to the rest of the world. It does to me

Poor people are so much stronger than the rich

If the rich had to spend one day living our lives, they would be ready to pay whatever tax they had to so there would not be homelessness anymore. There needs to be a new war on poverty. Johnson was the best president we have ever had


Yay! It’s fun to take money from poor people and give it to the rich. Someday it’s going to be just as fun for poor people to burn rich peoples homes and businesses to the ground!

Friday, March 18, 2022

"It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep"

"It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep". When one knows their inner divinity, they are a lion forever

Feed a man a fish

Feed a man a fish and he will eat once. Show him how to fish and he will eat forever. Sometimes, to show someone how to fish one must give them a fishing pole as well.

I declare a new tax code in the USA...

 I will make a flat tax of %15 across the board. Incomes below $100,000 / individual, are tax exempt