I see our town is having problems. I have solutions.
Hiring new officers won't fix the root problems. These problems aren't unique to our town, however the solution can be.
The entire country has been sending high paying jobs to other countries. Our town can be the first to outlaw this behavior. When the rich of the state pay their fair share of taxes and there are high paying jobs, crime goes down. As these people become tax payers we can pay for more officers. Few criminals and adequate police equals safety. A safe our town, gets outside investment. This would increase taxes further. More businesses come back. our town must invest in its "human garbage" as they are being treated now, and money will come back to our town.
With these increases in revenue, we can recycle materials from houses and structures that need to be demolished. We then spend to create tiny home villages everywhere to aid the homeless. These camps can be policed by their residents and paid by the city as city jobs. People in these camps can be employed to keep communal bathroom facilities clean and work community gardens for food production. We must now invest in people. They have been treated like human garbage by our broken capitalist system for too long. But, they are not garbage, rather a powerful untapped resource. The homeless wish to work more than anyone, however we must pay living wages or there is nothing for them to work towards. We must invest in the tools for them to uplift themselves. I believe this has always been the way of our town in its past. People rolling up their sleeves and living in nature to develop community. our town can live better than it ever has if it goes back to its roots. Empowered people don't commit crimes.
Our country also does not provide:
public higher level education
public healthcare
public housing
Our town has a unique opportunity to show the rest of the country and maybe the world, what happens when we focus on our internal problems before we become a "global economy". The middle class is systematically being eliminated from the USA. Our town can show that a state can restore its middle class by restoring its public institutions. When I hear public school or public library I smile. When I hear private, I cringe. Let us restore public institutions; public healthcare, housing, and education. Provide a living wage and create local government jobs to repair infrastructure, clean the environment and develop renewable energies. We have such opportunities to rebuild, and we are squandering them.
Imagine implementing these strategies, and the people of our town NOT complaining about their government but rather being their greatest advocates, because they can see positive change around them.
I would love to discuss any details if you are interested. Together, we all can restore our town. Thank you,
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