Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Hope for change

I can't stand to see innocent life die. I am a man of God. Unfortunately because I have been locked out of this evil society, I am having such a hard time feeling compassion. My biological father walked away from my innocent mother when she showed me to him as a baby. He called her a slut and walked away from us, saying I was someone else's. Years later I would find out that he had many wives and girlfriends and other babies he walked away from. None of us want to be family because we hate him so. He was actually the slut, and today is a bible thumping Republican.

See, this American society is so evil, all it can do is run around screaming how much it loves God and Jesus (just like the father I  tracked down on after 45 years, who couldn't deny the truth of my existence anymore) but then believe in guns, no healthcare for themselves or others and how much they hate everyone, especially their own fellow Americans. It's complete insanity. A virus of the mind that produces illogical and destructive thinking.

See, when suffering a virus of the mind, you wont do Gods work. Had you been including me, our society would have protected against this Pandemic in many ways. This would have included strong healthcare for all. This would have provided a strong shield against any pathogen. Well equipped, trained and healthy medical workforce. Then, all Americans would have the healthiest immune systems globally. These 2 strategies would shield the US from these type of Pandemics. Following these strategies would be creating a pandemic preparedness division of the government. Never being able to be wiped away so idiotic future Republicans cant try to get rid of it to show how much money they have saved by gutting all essential services, as usual.

The focus on healthcare would build the strongest economy we have ever had. However, I have found that your "economy" and mine can never mix. Mine would include EACH and EVERY AMERICAN over foreigners. There would be opportunities for Americans, not illegals and foreign nationals, I don't care IF you give them citizenship. I have come to understand what your "economy" really is: a control mechanism. YOUR economy creates dependance and seeks to strip good people of what they rightfully deserve as humans, I call these; human rights. These are denied from many Americans just because of rampant racism, but even those not so inclined to be racist prefer to hire foreigners over Americans for the sake of greed. No matter how you got to be disgusting doesn't matter to me, only the results of your behavior.

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