America keeps its healthcare overpriced and garbage quality, and usually out of reach of most, for the sake of greed and racism.
Then, Americans HATE themselves and one another. Fat, lazy and stupid is a description American employers make about American workers and is used as the reason employers HAVE to hire foreign workers only.
I knew the first thing Americans would do:
the KKK would use this as a bio weapon - that was the first news story i saw early on in this
i knew most Americans would spit on one another out of malice - news stories now about cops coughing at poor people and psychos licking food in the grocery store
The Divided States of America is what it REALLY is. Small, micro wars break out all across society now as those that hate one another (in the USA everyone HATES everyone) have easy access to bio weapons if one is willing to risk infection.
The rich will retreat to secure enclaves until the masses are all gone and then they can come out of hiding and hire the worlds poorest to rebuild their society for them.
The countries that provide death to their people already ("junk food" production and no national healthcare) will suffer the greatest during pandemics
These are the reasons the USA will have many more deaths than other countries
I suggest we care about Americans only, America FIRST for ONCE. All Americans get priority in colleges and business opportunities, starting with people of color. No more discrimination, business loans get approved, regardless. Top quality, free healthcare for ALL Americans. Invest in Americans and we can be free of the worlds Pandemics and poverty. Why would the Divided States of America want a "Global Economy"? Isn't the rest of the world corrupt and poor? What would they possibly do positively for our economy? Greed has clouded economic judgement for too long, and ends NOW.
Look at Germany. They focus on their own people and they are the bank of Europe.
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