Saturday, October 30, 2010

Idea I'm sure republicans will love!!

So we send our beloved jobs to other nations. Now no one has value in their home (if they are lucky enough to still have one), 401(K) etc. With that went the police and medical services that so many depend on. While were at it (giving away everything beloved to America) lets give away all of our Universities and Colleges and Schools! Just give them to China and India. I'm sure they could use them far more than we can. Lets give our roads and hell while were at it lets give them our government. Lets swap constitution while were at it. Hell if there was the promise of a buck I'm sure America would do just that. Lets swap constitutions with China for a day and see how that goes.

And by the way, China's and India's economies are booming right now! America just gave their booming economy to other nations for free. For the promise of $1 extra of profit. How does that make you feel!? Remember now, that they have our booming economy, and they don't have to give it back, nor do they have any intentions on doing so. Where are all those high paying jobs that the profits of off-shoring was supposed to create? .14 cents per product produced in the USA, was all over the internet. Fairytale economics in action!

Republicans you have already spit in the faces of the soldiers that have died so we didn't have to be behind China, why not finish it off by spitting in the faces of the founding fathers that created our beloved constitution! I kinda do wish you would sell off every last piece of evidence that you ever existed on this continent. Go back to England. No one has ever wanted you here. Nor do they now.

Friday, October 29, 2010

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting / hoping for different results "?

So I hear this foolish saying quite a bit these days. A bit too much, and now it's (they) earned my spotlight.

Here is what I would ask Meg Whitman and "Arnold": When in their lives have they had to have faith in their fellow man doing something to help them survive? Faith in their God to help evil men change their ways maybe? (And please give specific examples). If they have had such times when maybe they had to have faith that their families would not have to go homeless, then in fact they are just like us and should legislate with their fellow (working) man in the forefront of their minds. For you see, some have never ending faith and things never change for them. Are you to tell me these people are "insane"? How about the people that vote in every election to never have anything go their way, are they insane too? So either your one of us or if you've never had to have faith, that's why you run around spouting foolishness, because your clueless as to what its like to have to live like the rest of us.

How about this for the definition of insanity:

Voting for the same group of people that wants to ship my work to other countries so I can go jobless.

Voting for people that wouldn't pay for kids to have health care if their lives depended on it.

Voting for people that believe so heavily in Fairy tale economics, their willing to destroy a nation of good, hard working people.

People so foolishly greedy, they would rather not pay taxes even though it may mean no police to protect their houses, no teachers to teach their kids, and no EMT's to keep them alive. These are services for everyone and that's why we all have to pay our fair share.

Voting for hate-filled people.

These are far more accurate definitions if insanity Meg and Arnold.

And do you know what doing the same thing over and over again and finally achieving what you want is called? Perseverance. And how would you ever get there if you didn't partake in what you call "insanity" first?

And always remember this my fellow truth seekers, giving the devil all the money doesn't make him give us jobs. All he does is make his bottom line appear fat so he can sell out to a competitor. The small business owner of today has no inclination of hiring workers, as that's a headache. He just wants to sell out to the highest bidder and retire. For all you idiot republicans that want to argue this point, who has worked at more small business, you or me?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Good Morning Truth Seekers, the Truth About God

I'm going to switch it up a bit and speak of spirituality rather than economy and politics. This will of course be the truth. On the news they just showed a man that wrote a book about not believing in God. He says most scientist and intelligent thinkers of our time do not believe in God. I contend that everyone does believe in God. How do you come up with that, you ask? Well its like this...

When someone asks you if you believe in God you might say, I don't know, or I haven't really thought about it. Well that right there is the only reason one doesn't believe in God. When you think of God in your own way and what God means to you, you will define him according to your beliefs and understandings. When someone else asks you if you believe in God, you may or may not believe in that persons vision of God. But to say that you don't believe just because you may not agree with someone else vision doesn't necessarily mean that you wouldn't believe if you defined God for yourself. For an example of this here's how I define God for me, which I have been forced to believe in simply because of the bizarre things that have happened at certain times in my life.

For me God is a culmination of all the spirits that have existed before me. I have a mother and a father and they had mothers and fathers etc. When family members pass into the spirit world, what if they are watching us and helping when and how they can to make our lives a little better. They don't necessarily help us to win the lotto but maybe they help to get that job that would feed the family. What if those spirits can influence the progression of events that occur in your life. What if they can influence airwaves or electricity (some say spirit doesn't exist because one cant see it, I say you cant see cell phone signals in the airwaves but you know they are there). At times when Ive needed very important things, somehow what I needed was provided. When you see this happen for so long, you come to understand what is happening. This is what creates belief in someone.

There are those that are looking at a wall, of course they don't see what God is. There are those that are looking at a wall but that wall has a window. The window is fogged up and you can only see partially whats on the other side. Then there are others that have wiped the fog from the window and can see clearly what is on the other side of the window.

So in short don't let someone else vision of God define yours. Think about what God means to you and create your own definition. But don't miss out on knowing God only because of what others believe God to be.