Saturday, June 11, 2011

Small Government

Good Morning Truth Seekers,

Today we examine the Republican foolishness and deceit of the phrase "Small Government". Now lets begin by reminding everyone that Republicans run on the platform of "I know how to run a business!" (That's nice but running a country is NOT running a business!). Instead of "Small Government" (simply from fear of paying taxes for / to that government) what is necessary is adequate government. The more the population, the more the public servants to serve those people. I think that this is similar to if you are running a business and there are a few customers, then you would need less cashiers to serve those customers. Likewise, if a huge rush of customers comes into a restaurant, then it is likely it will have to be all hands on deck with the employees. Things must be thought through not just spouted because you heard it somewhere. I would really expect that those that know how to run a business would know this already.