Sunday, December 4, 2011

Recent Stolen Election

I guess when Obama got voted in, Florida must have ran out of legitimate voters they could remove from eligibility.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Word of the day = kleptocracy

Look it up if you want the truth about American government.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Why Republicans are responsible for abortion

The extreme anti-choice members of Congress have launched yet another all-out attack on Planned Parenthood, this time in the form of an investigation that is nothing more than a backdoor tactic to shut clinics down. It's time we ended the war on women.

My response:

All republicans have is to remove your freedom. They cant simply allow Planned Parenthood to exist in peace and set good examples for others to follow. That must be because they don't have anything positive to exemplify.

Response from friend:

Hmm, ok if people want the "right to choose" I may not agree with it, but I won't stand in their way. I don't want any of my tax $$ paying for voluntary, non-medically necessary abortions. I support the investigation.


So you would be ok with back alley deaths? I hope not, so give women a place to have this done. You probably wouldn't support young girls having sex but guess what it happens, so make it safe not unsafe. And always remember no one would have to have abortions if Republicans wouldn't take away our housing and jobs, that's what really kills kids, poverty they create. Until this is fixed by the government, taxes should pay for life to be safe, make sure you agree with that.


With your theory, I guess just because there are children who are also having sex in back alleys, we should use government funds to provide them a clean bed well stocked with condoms under a safe roof too? I say, spend the funding on EDUCATION. However that's basically worthless as our society puts aside the notion that sex is an important facet of marriage to create a bond between a husband and wife for the forging of a family, and should never be used as recreational activity outside those confines.

And I'm confused as to why Republicans are to blame for abortions? That seems to be a pretty far reaching comment. (Not that I am a Republican, I despise all parties, especially the greed of Republicans, and the entitlements of both rep & dem).


Yes, all children should receive Federal funding to be safe regardless of political views. I agree with spending funds used for war on education. Judging how others "use" sex is just another way to remove peoples freedom. Guess what, people that have sex for recreation aren't bad people! Haven't you heard of practice makes perfect? People that have sex usually are in love and that is awesome. Maybe they'll wait until they are ready to bring in another life (which is good!).

As far as why Republicans are to blame for abortion: if women felt that they could make a living wage (same pay for same work as men) without having jobs shipped overseas by Republicans, women would not feel compelled to have abortions. The image that Republicans like to portray; women that get abortions are monsters that just love to kill life is ridiculous. However, what does make sense is paying a living wage to Americans and not foreigners. They want to force women to have babies but give them no way to take care of them. This may actually hurt the mother and the child. They claim to be "pro-life". But what about the Doctor, the mother and husband? They are life too. A fetus isn't the only life in this situation and I see no respect for all the other life that surrounds a fetus. That is why Republicans create abortions. After what they have done to the economy recently, people don't feel safe to have kids so they are putting it off, that is also abortion.

And I recently had 2 babies, do you know how much a woman is reduced to making when having babies? We made $50 a week. My wife was forced to go on disability and make $50 a week. Hard to take care of new babies on that amount of $$. And this from those that claim to be "pro-life"?This needs to change and the first to complain will be Republicans.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Thieves HATE regulation

Funny how all Republicans live for is deregulation (like that kind that just brought down the world economy). Did cave people have financial regulations? No. Regulations were created so we wouldn't have an economic meltdown. And all they want to do is repeal them? Whether dumb or evil, either way run 'em out of town on a rail! I'm sure every thieving criminal would love there to be no laws saying they cant steal.

The Lies Never Stop

It's very comical! The news likes to pretend that people that have exhausted their unemployment benefits just don't exist anymore. All they report on is the number of people filing for unemployment. I guess when the last person to receive benefits finally exhausts them and no one else files (because there are no more jobs to claim unemployment from) then the news can say were back in boom times because the number of people filing is 0! By the way, a recession that lasts for many years, is technically a depression. The owners of the news outlets just don't want us to know the truth.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Obama do this now

Mr. Obama,

We put you in office to do 3 things that will fix the economy and restore a sense of justice:
1. Tax corporations that hire foreigners so they don't save money doing so.
2. Take back all the "golden parachutes".
3. Tax the highest incomes in this country at a higher rate or at least the same rate that average people pay. Do not let companies pay 2% tax while the rest of us pay 30%. Please do what we sent you there to do.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Small Government

Good Morning Truth Seekers,

Today we examine the Republican foolishness and deceit of the phrase "Small Government". Now lets begin by reminding everyone that Republicans run on the platform of "I know how to run a business!" (That's nice but running a country is NOT running a business!). Instead of "Small Government" (simply from fear of paying taxes for / to that government) what is necessary is adequate government. The more the population, the more the public servants to serve those people. I think that this is similar to if you are running a business and there are a few customers, then you would need less cashiers to serve those customers. Likewise, if a huge rush of customers comes into a restaurant, then it is likely it will have to be all hands on deck with the employees. Things must be thought through not just spouted because you heard it somewhere. I would really expect that those that know how to run a business would know this already.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Good morning truth seekers. Today we talk the deep truth about Corporate America, aka, the devil.

Good morning truth seekers. Today we talk the deep truth about Corporate America, aka, the devil.(Though that's unfair to the devil as even the devil has some standards of conduct). Lets begin by listing the hypocrisy of American businesses.

You may have never thought about these things but consider this:

There is no democracy in Corporate America (there is at least the illusion of democracy in the country). Every time Ive been thrown out of a job, if 100 people were polled, 99 of them would say that I'm more than a pleasure to work with and the special skills I posses have come to be relied upon by the company and many of the employees. But due to that a hole at the top, there's no survival here. Most if not all companies / corporations are dictatorships. Just like Hitler, Stalin and all the evil ones that came before them. So as a country we try to push democracy on all other countries. We fight "communists" and "Muslims" in the name of spreading democracy. Yet, the richest 15% of the population dictates to the rest of the 85%. Not the definition of democracy there. And in the workplace democracy is even more despised. So to be an American is great for those that believe in democracy. So democracy can be thought of as a wonderful thing. Well that wonderful thing doesn't exist at all in American companies.

There is no honor or acceptance of truth. If you want to lose your job just speak the truth to someone. Americans in general cant stand hearing the truth because that exposes how evil their ancestors were and how evil they themselves are. So truth is not prized in American society. Where is this amplified? You guessed it, corporate
America! Truth is totally despised in American businesses. You often hear companies trying to bury the truth so they can make more money. Lying about dangers of their product or dumping toxic chemicals into the earth. This exists at all companies. This is why there has to be closed door meetings all the time. The shroud of secrecy that the government enjoys is also enjoyed by every corporation that exists. And even by the ones that hate the government and its secrecy! Such hypocrisy.

Its funny how you have to "watch what you say" at every job, even if all you say is wonderful things. Especially if what you have to say is wonderful, uplifting and true. "No good deed goes unpunished". This must have been first said by an employee that tried to do the honorable thing for his company. Ive had to learn the hard way that when you care about something being done right for your company, you are now in trouble and will be threatened with losing your job. So who the hell would want to hire that? Well the ones that seem to want the worst things for the company are at the top making the decisions. Again, such hypocrisy.

So now that we've identified wonderful things that do not exist at any company / corporation lets look at the hypocrisy that does exist:

We as employees are expected to give 2 weeks notice but we can be fired at any given time for no reason what-so-ever. So any type of fairness doesn't exist at all. Its expected that workers will be screwed and just deal with it. But let the company be screwed and the world stops turning. Then I ask, what pain does a company feel from losing an employee? A job doesn't get done for a week or 2. OOOO, big deal. But what happens if a worker loses his job? How can that hurt him? He and his family maybe faced with living on the street. And check this out...if corporate America decides you have to live with no money (ie a roof and food) and you go try to live off the land somewhere where there's no people, someone with a shotgun chases you off the land. Wow, that must sound like the definition of freedom to other cultures around the world! Companies don't want to pay you a living wage and if you try to exist on your own, nope, someone will halt that as well. HMMM, sounds like a) you don't want me to live b) you are taking away my freedom to exist. That doesn't sound very American but unfortunately, it is the American truth. Freedom is an illusion advertised to the masses so they will be controlled without uprising. Like dumb little sheep, comfortable in their iphones. Wow, your freedom is taken and replaced with an iphone, no wonder the world says America is so dumb.

At my current place of employment, the mantra is "were are all replaceable". You get to hear this ten times a day. And from people that have donated money to the place. People that have been been making crap decisions and destroying the place for that last 30 years! In private though they will admit, I'm not losing my job. So they try
to make it appear that were all on the same side by saying "were" replaceable but what they really mean (liars) is that we (the worker bees) are replaceable, not the managers. Here is my response to the most ridiculous phrase a company can speak, "we are all replaceable":

Sure we are all replaceable, anyone can replace their Ferrari for a skateboard, but that doesn't demonstrate your intelligence.

When there is cheap foreign labor to be had its not a matter of you "can" be replaced, its a matter of you will be replaced.

Is this line out of your handbook "How to motivate your employees"?

Funny how we can all be replaced but that employee that harasses everyone and is related to the owner and has been there harassing other employees for years is never even reprimanded.

So the bottom line is no employee is appreciated for what they bring to a company, but we all should be lighting candles and saying prayers that such a wonderful place gave us employment!! Ya, I don't think so. Its no wonder unions exist. If there was
anything wonderful to be had from working for a company (they appreciate you, or actually do the right thing themselves) maybe one could be more appreciative of a job, 'till then its all garbage I'm forced into swimming in just so my family can eat and be out of the rain. Wheres the freedom? Play their silly game or die? Wow, that's the kinda freedom no other country will be interested in. I'm an American and it doesn't interest me in the least.

Then you have to watch what you say even if all you have to say is wonderful, positive, happy, honest things! We have to come to work and hide being a good person, but the company is spending thousands on marketing campaigns that portray them as a good company!! The lunacy!!

So what does a company offer if nothing wonderful? Well the only thing one can appreciate about their job is the money that they are forced to provide someone so they can have a roof and food for their family. Shouldn't companies make money for being a good company? Instead pure evil makes money off the backs of good employees and lies about it. For anyone who doesn't know yet, this is the unfortunate truth about American Companies. Stay strong, and free in your mind workers of the world!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Democrats asked me "where do we go from here?"

I’m tired of the working man always having to waste his life fighting the rich. What business do Republicans have in deciding how the poor working man spends his money? The only reason Republicans get involved at all is so they can

1) make their friends rich
2) not have to pay taxes

Well let’s let them not have to pay taxes then. What does that mean? Well if you don’t pay taxes you should not be allowed to use anything that is paid for by public tax money. That includes owning property, as there are property taxes. Using roads and hospitals and of course police and fire. We working class people will use our tax money that we are happy spending for better schools and police, fire, medical services etc.

Honestly, a man that has little to spend is a much better financial organizer than a rich person that just throws money around and doesn’t have to worry about expenses.

Republicans forget that we the majority in a democracy could storm their homes and kill them all and take their riches. But because we are good, hard working people, we don’t. Yet they are lined up ready to put poison in the water and ground and keep us and our kids homeless. This doesn’t seem fair and eventually will have to come to a head. The economy sinking will be what brings this to a finale.

These are radical ideas and may seem a bit outlandish, but bending over for Republicans all the time is far more bizarre in my opinion.

So what am I entertaining? Let’s let the Republicans have everything they ever wanted. And it will show everyone why we can’t have them involved in government. Heck we gave them everything from 2001 to now and look where we are now. All I ever heard is how sending jobs overseas would create new better paying jobs and create new businesses. Well, there are no jobs and no businesses. There aren’t even rental stores anymore! Pretty soon there will be no more technology stores. Everything is disappearing but we never hear about those lies. The focus has to change. Fighting them is getting us nowhere. We need to take serious action and pull out the big guns. Every day I imagine a world where it would be illegal to claim to be a Republican and certainly not popular to claim in general society.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Deny health care to millions? O really?

"Overall, the Republicans oppose the increased government role in regulating health care, claiming it will impinge on individuals' right to choose care options in the future. Democrats say the law enacted last year will better control skyrocketing health care costs and expand coverage to millions of people currently lacking health insurance." Ya we should deny millions of people health care because someone might be afraid of their health care choices in the future. Are you fn' kidden me? Where do I live? Are they robots or Americans? Maybe aliens have taken over their bodies?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The truth about ownership...

Ownership is the worst mentality man has ever created. All we are born with when we are born is our bodies. That's all you ever will own. Its when we think of material things in this way that causes drama.

The important truth

Good morning truth seekers! Today's truth will make you feel strong and empowered. I know how bad the Republicans have made it but I want you to remember this:

Government holds all the power? No. We elect them so the power resides with us, the people.

Corporate America holds all the power? No. We can decide which businesses to spend our dollar with, so again we hold all the power. Always remember this.

The truth about "free speech" in America

Speech is free as long as its not the truth. When you speak the truth, you will pay dearly.