Friday, December 3, 2010

American Stupidity


Global trade imbalances have been in the spotlight recently as economies with large deficits, including the United States, have called on surplus countries such as China to increase domestic consumption and refrain from devaluing currencies.

The USA gives all its manufacturing jobs to China then they beg China to help them survive. I think I live in the dumbest country in the world.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Kudos to Mr. Julian Assange!

This post is regarding the founder of Wiki-Leaks, Julian Assange:

As long as you lie and cheer-lead for America it's free speech. As soon as you expose their evil then your the terrorist. Ya anyway. Kudos to Mr. Assange you are a real true hero of the people, free speech and transparency of government. We need more heroes like you in the world and less kids would shoot up their schools. This is a message for the parents that recently lost their smart, quiet son. Parents of: If you want to know why he did what he did and want to keep it from happening again, talk to me. As long as heroes like Mr. Assange are persecuted, kids will shoot themselves in the head. Who would want to live in a place where the truth is illegal? Certainly no smart quiet children.

Corporate Americas Real Definition of "overqualified"

When being told your "overqualified" in job interviews, it really means this:

You don't work for rupees or yen.

Because if you did you would be employed like all the people from India and China, that are here in the Unites States. Think about it, they hire foreign labor so they can save money right? Well then it stands to reason that if they hired someone that was "overqualified" they would be saving money. An "overqualified" employee must produce more than an employee that's under qualified or even perfectly qualified. So see through the lies and know what they really mean when they feed you bs.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Simple fix for todays mess....

There has to be a balance between employers and employees. When employers get greedy, this happens. If they pay their fair share of taxes with out complaining and hire Americans we wouldn't need an Obama to protect us. What power does the employee have? Well its not money so its Obama. Easy choice, respect each other and all's good. Send everyones job to another country or import scabs and there will be hell to pay. Very simple. If we banded together as Americans, employers would hire Americans instead of foreigners.

"There's no magic bullet to fix the economy" - yes actually there is....

Wow. I can't believe how stupid our politicians are. If you read the business news its all about how congress cant figure out how to fix the housing crisis. Let me, a simpleton spell it out for our politicians and public in general that put them there:

First, here is the breakdown:

I lose my job that was sent to India or given to an Indian shipped into America to do cheap labor.

I can't buy a house.

The banks lose out on a lot of money because this is happening to everyone.

Now the banks can't lend to business, so no new businesses are created and also no new jobs.

So now that we know the problem, it makes the solution so very clear:

Short of Congress making it illegal to not hire Americans, there is no way out of this. We are all at the mercy of employers and they won't be told what to do by anyone. There is absolutely no way government can make employers not be greedy. So when your greedy and not a patriot, you destroy the whole system for everyone. Greed has done this and as long as employers don't live within their means (pay their fair share of taxes and employ Americans) this will never be fixed. Either the employers think about what it means to be an American or government steps in and forces them to be patriots. That's the only way out. So if employers are greedy and the government doesn't have balls, don't expect anything to change.

Listen Idiots. Its not hard to figure out...

So as I peruse the news this morning they have republicans on the front page screaming for lower taxes for employers. O really? You ship all the jobs to India, China and whoever has a lower value currency than we do and then you think you deserve tax cuts? Hows that? Actually it works like this morons: if you ship away all the jobs, well elect officials to tax the living piss out of you. If you keep the jobs here and employ Americans, well allow you to pay less in taxes, take your pick fool.

And if you hate paying taxes to the American government, and hate employing expensive Americans why don't you just get the hell out of America if you hate it so much? Go live in and pay taxes to the countries where you employ workers. Everyone including you would be sooo much happier that way. You could live like the kings you think you are in China or India.

Besides, those countries already have weak economies, you wouldn't even have to do any work at destroying those economies as they are already crap, like your making our economy.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Idea I'm sure republicans will love!!

So we send our beloved jobs to other nations. Now no one has value in their home (if they are lucky enough to still have one), 401(K) etc. With that went the police and medical services that so many depend on. While were at it (giving away everything beloved to America) lets give away all of our Universities and Colleges and Schools! Just give them to China and India. I'm sure they could use them far more than we can. Lets give our roads and hell while were at it lets give them our government. Lets swap constitution while were at it. Hell if there was the promise of a buck I'm sure America would do just that. Lets swap constitutions with China for a day and see how that goes.

And by the way, China's and India's economies are booming right now! America just gave their booming economy to other nations for free. For the promise of $1 extra of profit. How does that make you feel!? Remember now, that they have our booming economy, and they don't have to give it back, nor do they have any intentions on doing so. Where are all those high paying jobs that the profits of off-shoring was supposed to create? .14 cents per product produced in the USA, was all over the internet. Fairytale economics in action!

Republicans you have already spit in the faces of the soldiers that have died so we didn't have to be behind China, why not finish it off by spitting in the faces of the founding fathers that created our beloved constitution! I kinda do wish you would sell off every last piece of evidence that you ever existed on this continent. Go back to England. No one has ever wanted you here. Nor do they now.

Friday, October 29, 2010

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting / hoping for different results "?

So I hear this foolish saying quite a bit these days. A bit too much, and now it's (they) earned my spotlight.

Here is what I would ask Meg Whitman and "Arnold": When in their lives have they had to have faith in their fellow man doing something to help them survive? Faith in their God to help evil men change their ways maybe? (And please give specific examples). If they have had such times when maybe they had to have faith that their families would not have to go homeless, then in fact they are just like us and should legislate with their fellow (working) man in the forefront of their minds. For you see, some have never ending faith and things never change for them. Are you to tell me these people are "insane"? How about the people that vote in every election to never have anything go their way, are they insane too? So either your one of us or if you've never had to have faith, that's why you run around spouting foolishness, because your clueless as to what its like to have to live like the rest of us.

How about this for the definition of insanity:

Voting for the same group of people that wants to ship my work to other countries so I can go jobless.

Voting for people that wouldn't pay for kids to have health care if their lives depended on it.

Voting for people that believe so heavily in Fairy tale economics, their willing to destroy a nation of good, hard working people.

People so foolishly greedy, they would rather not pay taxes even though it may mean no police to protect their houses, no teachers to teach their kids, and no EMT's to keep them alive. These are services for everyone and that's why we all have to pay our fair share.

Voting for hate-filled people.

These are far more accurate definitions if insanity Meg and Arnold.

And do you know what doing the same thing over and over again and finally achieving what you want is called? Perseverance. And how would you ever get there if you didn't partake in what you call "insanity" first?

And always remember this my fellow truth seekers, giving the devil all the money doesn't make him give us jobs. All he does is make his bottom line appear fat so he can sell out to a competitor. The small business owner of today has no inclination of hiring workers, as that's a headache. He just wants to sell out to the highest bidder and retire. For all you idiot republicans that want to argue this point, who has worked at more small business, you or me?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Good Morning Truth Seekers, the Truth About God

I'm going to switch it up a bit and speak of spirituality rather than economy and politics. This will of course be the truth. On the news they just showed a man that wrote a book about not believing in God. He says most scientist and intelligent thinkers of our time do not believe in God. I contend that everyone does believe in God. How do you come up with that, you ask? Well its like this...

When someone asks you if you believe in God you might say, I don't know, or I haven't really thought about it. Well that right there is the only reason one doesn't believe in God. When you think of God in your own way and what God means to you, you will define him according to your beliefs and understandings. When someone else asks you if you believe in God, you may or may not believe in that persons vision of God. But to say that you don't believe just because you may not agree with someone else vision doesn't necessarily mean that you wouldn't believe if you defined God for yourself. For an example of this here's how I define God for me, which I have been forced to believe in simply because of the bizarre things that have happened at certain times in my life.

For me God is a culmination of all the spirits that have existed before me. I have a mother and a father and they had mothers and fathers etc. When family members pass into the spirit world, what if they are watching us and helping when and how they can to make our lives a little better. They don't necessarily help us to win the lotto but maybe they help to get that job that would feed the family. What if those spirits can influence the progression of events that occur in your life. What if they can influence airwaves or electricity (some say spirit doesn't exist because one cant see it, I say you cant see cell phone signals in the airwaves but you know they are there). At times when Ive needed very important things, somehow what I needed was provided. When you see this happen for so long, you come to understand what is happening. This is what creates belief in someone.

There are those that are looking at a wall, of course they don't see what God is. There are those that are looking at a wall but that wall has a window. The window is fogged up and you can only see partially whats on the other side. Then there are others that have wiped the fog from the window and can see clearly what is on the other side of the window.

So in short don't let someone else vision of God define yours. Think about what God means to you and create your own definition. But don't miss out on knowing God only because of what others believe God to be.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Im starting to understand why Republicans create depressions

1. They (the rich) can buy our property at hugely discounted prices

2. If all Americans are unemployed and only foreigners work (for little wages) there is less tax money and therefore less government. Republicans HATE government because government can take their money away via taxes.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Im not the only smart one....

This guy knows exactly whey things are the way they are. This was in reference to a rich guy (Zuckerman)that said rich people will take their toys and go home if Obama makes them play fair. The Smart guy says about Zuckerman:

"Zuckerman says that we're wrong to demonize corporations, but I disagree. I believe that our economic woes are due both to the Neocon ascendancy, beginning with the misbegotten Ronald Reagan's presidency, and the greed of once-responsible ...huge corporations or, I should say, the boundless, brainless greed of their looting top executives. They reduced their costs and increased their profits by shipping manufacturing overseas. This worked well for them, for they were then able to loot these short-term, windfall profits with obscene compensation. This nearly wrecked these same companies and most certainly wrecked the economy. The corporations in question (and they are by no means all of our old line outfits, but quite a large number of them, indeed), their now unimaginably wealthy CEOs and other top executives and the Neocons who, via wholesale deregulation and massive tax cuts, enabled them are nothing better than thieves and crooks. Nothing but nothing will make me feel sorry that Zuckerman and his unholy peers are liable to see their taxes go up a little. Poor babies."

Ive said it before and Ill say it again: If you ship away everyone's job no one can buy your cheap products and you go out of business. If you have to be so greedy to shut down your own business and the rest of the economy along with it, good riddance to you.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Little Piggys Today....

Ive been having to learn nursery songs to sing to Junior lately.

This little piggy went to market because hes from a foreign country so hes the only one with a job

this little piggy stayed home because congress hadn't extended his unemployment and he is still waiting for his check,

this little piggy had roast beef because hes a banker and should be made into bacon very soon

this little piggy had none because congress took his roast beef and gave it to the banker as a bail out

And this little piggy went wee-wee-wee all the way home wondering how he was going to feed his piggy children!

I saw this and thought, that's hilarious!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wow, Greed Creates Such Stupidity

Well, just as America trained Al-Qaeda and now they are enemies, America gave all its wealth to China and now they too shall be enemies. But when China has all the money and outnumbers us 10 to 1, what do you think is going to happen? Way to compromise homeland security Geroge W. Bush, puppetmsters, and republicans.

Simple future Republican Solution to Economy

It looks as though the worlds laziest workers in the world, Americans may get their fondest wishes soon. I'm sure at some point, some republican will suggest this:

Lets just send every last job we have to other nations. Then we can tax the heck out of those nations so Americans keep keep extending unemployment, basically creating a welfare state. Americans could collect their measly pittance and not have to work at all! This is the way its moving toward now and if this continues, this is how it will end. Pretty pathetic!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The economy will never get better as long as we keep ignoring one simple truth...

If you want an American economy: Hire Americans

Finally, we are starting to see the news talk about the actual reasons were in a depression

"That's because with jobs so scarce, people are unable to form their own households and have been moving back in with parents, relatives or doubling up. Last year, the pace of new U.S. household formation fell to the second lowest level since 1947."

Exactly as Ive been saying all along. If you send everyone's job to China or India, no one can buy a house and all that money is now pulled from the economy. I want republicans to explain how they can claim to be pro-family as they are a making it so people cant buy a home and start a family. When people have to move in with other family members they are less inclined to start families as that may upset other family members and then they will be left with no where to go. So until republicans can explain exactly how destroying the economy helps families to be stronger they need to stop claiming to be pro-life and pro-family. They need to just admit to the world the only pro they are for is pro-money, and not money for you and I but their money. They are only pro-their-money.

How are we as a nation to ever have 2 billion Americans like China or India if there are Americans who are constantly trying as hard as they can to destroy the economy and the American family?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Truth about employment for Americans

Now a days you can train to be the best programmer, lawyer, doctor it doesn't matter. When you go to find a job all you'll hear is how everyone has shipped operations to China or India and all the money they are saving! This means American workers will never have a chance to work no matter how skilled. Brilliant minds going to waste. Hows that commercial go, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Well its commonplace now. Imagine what the world would have been like had we left Einstein unemployed. Wed all be speaking German right now. That's the next step, China bands with Russia to come here and take us over. Now that we don't have technical Americans, how do we defend ourselves. (Guns are technology too). If they have all the money (because of jobs we gave them) how do we stop this invasion? The damage Republicans have done to this country is unpatriotic and will not be undone possibly forever. Forget surviving Muslims, its Republicans you have to fear in America. They train all other terrorists how to act. They are the terrorists terrorist.

Monday, July 26, 2010

As Americans we put up with quite a bit....

Kinda funny... If another nation treated America like America treats Americans, America would declare war on that nation. If another nation sent away American jobs and took away unemployment payments from America, America would consider this economic terrorism. When America does it to their own people, they aren't terrorists anymore. Now how exactly does that work out? I feel like this "country" perpetrates economic terrorism on me every day. And how many countless thousands of Americans also feel this way? But what do we do about it? Vote. When they steal elections that cant be your only voice. The tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots.

Monday, June 28, 2010

State of Today - See past the lies

So at the time I got the new job, Bush had come out and told the nation, that he had single handedly destroyed the American economy. Duh George, that's what happens when you send every ones job offshore, there is no economy anymore. So let this be a recording of what actually happened. When we go to vote in November 2012, all the ADD american morons will try to blame Barack. Remember, the black man was sent in to clean (typical for this business we call America) and had nothing to do with making the mess, so he cant be blamed. Actually, no one else was stepping up to fix it. Republicans wanted to create more of the same mess. So that ends that story. This page if still up then, will remind everyone of the truth, the American truth.

So Ive heard some idiotic reasons some believe why this happened. The media is obviously paid by republicans because all they could do is blame the poor working man that just wanted a house for his family.

1. People that couldn't afford a house brought this nation to its knees.
If you believe that then you probably believe that the slaves brought Rome to its knees. Or you should blame Native American or African American people for the woes of the country. Hey, how about we blame babies! If those dang babies didn't want houses then the economy would be fine. Sorry but blaming the poor working man that just wants a house for his family shouldn't be used to overlook a government that released restrictions to bankers for loans and promotes sending jobs overseas. Bankers knew what they were doing when they made those loans available. Hey, don't you have to qualify for a loan? Ya well if you had to qualify, no one would be able to blame the working man. So everyone wants to blame the poor working man and not see the responsibility of the government and bankers. Who has more power, poor working man or bankers and politicians? If you believe that poor working man has more power to destroy the economy than the banks and President, then you obviously don't know much about economics. But you have shown that you are very able to be spoon fed crap from the bias media! Think for yourselves people and know that what the news says is usually wrong. That's why there's retractions. Besides, we all know the news is in it for the ratings, tell that to the same guy that thinks that working man destroyed the economy and he doesn't believe you (suddenly). Be smart, think if what they say makes any logical sense, if not don't believe it. And the one thing that shoots down the foolishness of working man wanting a house bringing down the economy; if the president had told businesses to hire American, poor working man could have paid for those houses, so we still could have allowed the republicans to remove economic regulations and survived. I bought a house that, at the time I didn't have the money for. But I also just got out of school with a Bachelor of IT degree to be told how all the companies were making money hand over fist sending IT jobs to India. Your telling me that wasn't the one most compelling reason that I couldn't afford a house? So place blame where its deserved, not on poor working people. And the saddest part is I hear this foolishness from poor working men I know! Thing is they have houses.

So this foolishness brings me to a thought that it doesn't seem too many people have had these days. All I ever hear is how we have to bend over for the rich, make their lives easier. We always believe, if we treat the rich like gods they'll give us jobs! Well we treated them like gods for the 8 years Bush was president and all they did was send our jobs to other nations. The truth people is this: (so simple i cant believe i even have to say this); the rich will be fine, they don't need us to bend over backwards because they are rich. Think: if you make the laws to take away money from the rich man, he gets a little less rich. If you make laws to take away money, from the working man, (like republicans always have and still do) he and his family dies. And republicans claim to be all about the family! I see, they are for the rich family. The poor family can die in the street for all they care, so dont be misled. Personally, I want to hear more "lets protect the weak", and less "lets protect the wicked / rich" from my fellow Americans. Think: if they were giving people (ie, good) they wouldn't have enough money to be called rich. I hope to god no one ever can be talking about things (money is a thing) and call me rich. If they talk about love, then they can call me rich.

Its soo funny if you watch people they always treat rich people like they are above humans. Truth is, giving people are human. Rich people obviously don't give. Sooo simple. More to come, stay tuned.

New Life - The last year

Hello truth-seekers. Its been a long trip in the last year. In Sept of last year I finally found a job. I was hired as a computer lab manager in a small college near where I live. A few months after, I was hired to be the Web Site Administrator for the same place. I now have an IT job that I love. 1 week after I landed this job, I found out that my wife and I were pregnant! So basically life for me started one year ago (about the last time I made a post). But things are slow now and I have a small bit of time to write the truth about what it is to be a real American.

I've created a new way to weed out people that act like Democrats but never give you a solid feeling where they stand (politically). All you have to ask the individual is:
Do you stand for the preservation of life at the expense of money, or do you stand for the preservation of money at the expense of life. This is a simple question and requires only a simple answer. Don't let them start talking (that's a sign they are avoiding the issue) because that's what makes it hard to weed them out in the first place. A strong heart has little to say, a liar has much to say!

Ill be posting later to outline whats happening now, and whats happened in the past year, so stay tuned truth-seekers.