Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Truth about employment for Americans

Now a days you can train to be the best programmer, lawyer, doctor it doesn't matter. When you go to find a job all you'll hear is how everyone has shipped operations to China or India and all the money they are saving! This means American workers will never have a chance to work no matter how skilled. Brilliant minds going to waste. Hows that commercial go, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Well its commonplace now. Imagine what the world would have been like had we left Einstein unemployed. Wed all be speaking German right now. That's the next step, China bands with Russia to come here and take us over. Now that we don't have technical Americans, how do we defend ourselves. (Guns are technology too). If they have all the money (because of jobs we gave them) how do we stop this invasion? The damage Republicans have done to this country is unpatriotic and will not be undone possibly forever. Forget surviving Muslims, its Republicans you have to fear in America. They train all other terrorists how to act. They are the terrorists terrorist.

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