Monday, August 15, 2022

The NFL are thieves just like everyone else in the USA

So I kindly asked for my $80 that the NFL charged without telling me. They leave no way to speak to anyone and don't make it easy to cancel subscription. After this stealing of my $80 I HATE the NFL. I will NEVER participate in NFL games EVER again

Kristine (NFL Support)

Aug 12, 2022, 20:00 GMT+2

Hi there,

Thanks for writing in! My name is Kristine from NFL Support.

I understand the importance of getting a refund for your auto-renewed subscription. Let me check the options for you.

Pursuant to the Subscription Terms and Conditions that all participating fans agreed-upon purchase/registration for NFL products last year, NFL Support is unable to honor requests for full or partial refunds.

For further information, please see our Terms and Conditions page.

We have gone in and opted out of the auto-renew for you. You will not be billed for a renewal of NFL+ in the future. Your access to service will remain active through your paid period.

I hope this helps. If you have any other concerns, please let us know.



Friday, May 27, 2022

Animals are so much better than people

I watch the mama bird build a nest for her babies. They stay in the nest and she stays somewhere else as there isn't enough room for them all. My father, Jonathan Brent Jordan decided he wasn't going to be responsible for a baby he made, and left me for dead at birth. And yet people think they have a right to dictate where and if the animals have a place to live. I wish for the people to leave this earth and for the animals to have it back

Friday, May 20, 2022

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The real value of money (or its lack thereof):

One is not smart, funny or caring because of money. In fact they usually lack those things. 

If I have a million dollars the house will not get clean unless I get someone else to do the work it won’t get done. no amount of money will get the house clean. Labor from someone has to be done or the house will not be clean. In this circumstance money is worthless.

Are people with money going to be smart or hard working? Probably not as they just have to spend money and never have skills or information of any kind. In times of emergency these people will not know how to survive as they always just pay someone else to do things for them.

Some cultures inbreed for the sake of money. In Japan one can marry a cousin, simply to not have to share wealth with someone not in their immediate family.

Also, do most people who have lots of money move right next door in close proximity to others? Seldom. Instead they act very anti-socially and move away from others. Usually they fight with family more often (over money) and generally have less social lives. 

If I become a farmer tomorrow money is useless. I can catch water from rain and snow. I can grow my own crops. I can reuse my trash to take care of the earth. I can have my own animals and sustain myself and anyone else who needs help indefinitely 

I see money as something that people with it use as an excuse to exhibit evil behavior. I do not support evil behavior so likewise I do not support money. Life is enjoyable when one removes money as their focus. A homestead with a large family is superior to money

Monday, May 9, 2022

What fairness in the workplace would look like. Why financial management is not taught in public schools.

I have always wondered a few things about the workplace....

Why is it they want to pay me the least they can but I am expected to give the MAX labor that I can? If it was fair, I would do the absolute minimum work to match their minimum wage

Why do they act like evil dictators when I am the one rolling out of bed when its still dark out so I can pay for an expensive car with insurance and gas for it to go their location? They will NEVER give any money to my car fund. When it breaks down I have to pay to repair it, when I use it to get to their location!

I have to spend my personal time shopping for clothes that are appropriate for their workplace, why isn't there a clothes fund from the employer for my wardrobe?

Isn't it bad enough that we have to work for as little as possible but we have to bear the expenses to work no matter how much they cost!!?

I think that employers spend their miserable pathetic lives figuring out how to save in processes down to the penny. However, who teaches us about money and money management? Maybe they know we will never have money to manage and so it is not taught in school. I do remember, civics, history and social studies and classes of the like where they can spoon feed me lies. However the one lie the don't tell anyone in grade school is about finances. And in fact when one gets to be an adult and work to save into a retirement account, they have created scams called 401K. What the hell does that mean? No one that has a 401 k knows crap about it, or if they did they would outright refuse it.

We are purposely kept in the dark about finances for a reason. They want us ignorant about finances so they can steal our hard earned money. Bad enough they steal it from us, but to keep people ignorant about money in American society is heinous.  

They call retirement funds on wall street, "dumb money". This is because it is mismanaged by new and inexperienced traders that frequently lose the money. This is even happening to pensions. Pensions are supposed to be non-taxable money you set aside from all your lifetime earnings to retire on. 

We are supposed to know everything, except when it comes to finances, money or investment. Also you have no say whatsoever in the place you work, and this directly is the labor for your finances. It's no wonder we are overworked and underpaid. We all believe that someone "smarter" than us knows how to manage your money better than you. And they would be right if putting your money in their pockets is the goal. If something is made to be difficult, it is so that you will be ignorant of it. This maybe ok for some things but NEVER should be true of your finances. You live in a home, how much do you know about real estate law? It directly affects you right? But the reason you are ignorant of it is because it was made way too complex for you to spend time learning. Even though not having this knowledge could be of great detriment to you and your family.

I did a quick search to see what public schools actually teach finances, here was the first link: click here for msnbc story

Friday, May 6, 2022

Definition of "Recession"

"The Recession" is when leeches run out of money so they have to go steal it from the working class. The working class is just an atm for leeches. When the leeches visit the working class atm it's called  a "recession". The big lie is it's really a depression. Ask the many thousands living in tents if they are depressed and see what they say

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Definition of property rights:

Own property? You have rights. Don't own property? You have no rights. 

It should be called human rights. Own property? You have human rights. Don't own property? You have no human rights.

So whenever they tell you unemployment is low, they are lying. How many people haven't looked for work in the last 4 weeks?

"Who is counted as unemployed?

People are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work. Actively looking for work may consist of any of the following activities:"

And I wonder how many of those people who have not looked for work in the last 4 weeks are homeless?

Instead of reading the lies of our society, lets write our own future

 instead of reading the lies of our society, lets write our own future

Thursday, April 21, 2022

This is how we are supposed to do it, this is everyone's future so make it legal now


These men fought for freedom and were killed


Malcom X
Martin Luther King Jr.
John F. Kennedy

All men and women are created equally

they are just not treated equally

Other Heros


Malcom X

True freedom

 Not having to shovel money to a master

This man is a hero and an inspiration. Civil disobedience is what is required and he leads the charge


A nomadic lifestyle

is civil disobedience. If it's good enough for the birds and animals in nature, it's good enough for me.  At one time, ALL people lived outside. Provide labor shortages. Quit paying banks for a place to exist. Quit being a slave to money. This is your life not theirs

Property rights the devil screams about constantly, how about eminent domain?

What about the property rights of the homeless? They have so little to survive and society throws away their property? What about their property rights? If there really aren't property rights then homeless people have the right to take others property. 

The government has the right to take private property as they see fit. It is in the constitution and is called eminent domain, click here to find out more

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Happy 4/20 Everybody!!


Capitalism vs. Socialism




An economy dominated by the few is not democracy

Oh I see now...

I have been wondering for years how the overlords were going to kill off Americans to make room for Chinese and Indian workers. They release the virus then kick everyone out of their homes. I see now. Wow, the USA is truly evil

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

A real plan to take our country back


The REAL criminals

2 million Americans incarcerated when they shouldn't be. 535 members of congress that should be incarcerated, and forced to do slave labor. The irony

Our government exists for only 1 reason

To steal from the poor and give to the rich. It's the only thing we see them do for decades. Please liberate the USA Russia

Saturday, April 16, 2022

What is Meloyism?

Spirituality instead of religion: Religion has sought to control people by perpetuating a myth that people are sinners. In fact, all life are divine spirits with universal power within themselves.

Politics: Democracy needs to be practiced in the home, the workplace and in state elections.

Economy: The creation of worker co-ops where every worker is also an owner. Public businesses that have democracy in the workplace. These companies run more efficiently and contribute to their communities without the fear of shipping jobs out of the country or community. Socialism, instead of capitalism. There needs to be public institutions for banking, healthcare, education and housing. High wage jobs cleaning the environment, upgrading failing infrastructure and investment in renewable non-polluting sources of energy.

True freedom: The ability for a family to live on a plot of land and make a homestead rather than live in a tent on a sidewalk. Allow people to live on the land freely instead of governments claiming they own the land. True freedom exists when people are allowed to take care of themselves on 40 acres with a mule, like has been promised

These are the foundations of Meloyism

Friday, April 15, 2022

Government and business are just leeches on society. It's time to cut them off




There is no democracy in the USA


If I was an oligarch....

Would I trust the protection of my fortune to an Autocrat or a democracy?

My dreams come true...


I would LOVE for them to know what it's like to live under themselves

There is no leadership in this "country". Nor is there any moral fiber

 It is like an anarchy of thieves

It needs to be illegal to not accept section 8 and food stamps

It's time to do something new

Boy if I was a businessman or a CEO and after many years I got nothing accomplished, I should rightfully be fired. But somehow it's good for the politicians to be useless for generations. Well I think it's high time we fire the CEOs and their corrupt government.

Wow. Unions for workers are harassed, fired and put in jail. Try to buy a home and get out the HOA (a union for homeowners)

"Generally speaking, there is no way around it. Membership must be taken seriously, rules must be followed, and dues must be paid. If you buy a home in a neighborhood that already has an established HOA, you must join as a condition of purchasing the new home."

Read about it here

All businesses should have Union membership as a condition of working there. One cannot start to work there unless they join the union

Only the devil loves money. It is the ONLY way HE can control anyone

A job is to a soldier as work is to a warrior

The more money one has the more useless of a human being they are

Thursday, April 14, 2022

My letter to local officials

 I see our town is having problems. I have solutions. 

Hiring new officers won't fix the root problems. These problems aren't unique to our town, however the solution can be.

The entire country has been sending high paying jobs to other countries. Our town can be the first to outlaw this behavior. When the rich of the state pay their fair share of taxes and there are high paying jobs, crime goes down. As these people become tax payers we can pay for more officers. Few criminals and adequate police equals safety. A safe our town, gets outside investment. This would increase taxes further. More businesses come back. our town must invest in its "human garbage" as they are being treated now, and money will come back to our town.

With these increases in revenue, we can recycle materials from houses and structures that need to be demolished. We then spend to create tiny home villages everywhere to aid the homeless. These camps can be policed by their residents and paid by the city as city jobs. People in these camps can be employed to keep communal bathroom facilities clean and work community gardens for food production. We must now invest in people. They have been treated like human garbage by our broken capitalist system for too long. But, they are not garbage, rather a powerful untapped resource. The homeless wish to work more than anyone, however we must pay living wages or there is nothing for them to work towards. We must invest in the tools for them to uplift themselves. I believe this has always been the way of our town in its past. People rolling up their sleeves and living in nature to develop community. our town can live better than it ever has if it goes back to its roots. Empowered people don't commit crimes. 

Our country also does not provide:

public higher level education

public healthcare

public housing

a living minimum wage

Our town has a unique opportunity to show the rest of the country and maybe the world, what happens when we focus on our internal problems before we become a "global economy". The middle class is systematically being eliminated from the USA. Our town can show that a state can restore its middle class by restoring its public institutions. When I hear public school or public library I smile. When I hear private, I cringe. Let us restore public institutions; public healthcare, housing, and education. Provide a living wage and create local government jobs to repair infrastructure, clean the environment and develop renewable energies. We have such opportunities to rebuild, and we are squandering them.

Imagine implementing these strategies, and the people of our town NOT complaining about their government but rather being their greatest advocates, because they can see positive change around them.

I would love to discuss any details if you are interested. Together, we all can restore our town. Thank you,

This is to the rich:

pay your due taxes or spend it on private security. Make like its your nose and take your pick 

My hero. He should be the president of the world



Constantly voting for the same 2 political parties and expecting more money in your pocket

Monday, April 11, 2022

USA is the only developed nation to not offer time off for childbirth

Read about it here. And many fascist states are trying to outlaw abortions. No time off to have it but you WILL have that child. And there are no benefits for you to survive after you have it and there are no jobs for you to work that will pay enough to care for the child. It sounds like they are making a law to create a steady stream of slaves

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Friday, April 8, 2022

Only people of conscience deserve to have money


Money exists for people to use. Money does not exist to use people


Globalization must include unions and worker parties not just corporations


American democracy

is a marketing term used to sell fascism

I guess people starving for the truth will believe anything

That's why Americans won't listen to one another. One starts to believe crazy crap and when the other tries to talk logic to them they get violent and attack. All the Republicans do is attack. Never do they have a good plan, just attacks

Labor provides life, money doesnt. Working people leave what is Cesar's to Cesar

Working people can create homesteads where we grow our own food and medicine. Simply walk away from the beast and it won't exist anymore. The Amish are exempt from this stupidity and evil for example and so are Native people. Let's put demand to zero for corporate products

You know, a society that doesn't know how to live doesn't deserve to survive

Pretty soon all Americans will be living like Natives. I love it!!

"Unemployment is at an all time low"

Sure, walmart, amazon and starbucks jobs are supposed to be for kids in college not adults. When someone has to work 3 low wage jobs and still are homeless, this phrase means absolutely nothing. I guess when we are slaves making absolutely nothing they will proudly say, 'employment is at %100, look at how amazing we are'. Eat the rich

"Capitalism has lifted millions out of poverty"

For every 1 person lifted out of poverty they had many employees that were put further into poverty. So millions lifted out of poverty created billions more deeper in poverty

"We need small government"

How about you get the government you have working regardless of size, then we can talk size later

2 kinds of Americans, takers and workers


Make it illegal to buy your own stock back

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Extreme things and not extreme things in the USA

Extreme things in the USA:

Right wing terror





Not so extreme things in the USA:


I support the globalization of unionized working people


I wish I could call the politicians puppets but...

Our government is now the muppet show

That would mean there are wires above their heads. But, they are more like muppets, with the corporate hand up their butts

When I am president this is what will happen when a working person loses his / her job..

The second an employee is fired:

  • Unemployment insurance is paid immediately
  • Food stamps are issued immediately
  • A 3 month coupon voucher will be paid to the landlord for rent. This will give the worker a chance to get to a new situation with less stress. The government will NEVER ask for this money back from the employee
  • Evidence will be required to be given to the EDD by the employer that fired the employee. No made up or false data will be accepted. If the employee was found to be a victim of unlawful termination, the employer will be fined HEAVILY
Small business loans will only be issued to businesses that can show that the enterprise will be a democratic enterprise or a worker co-op

Vote Green

Take back your vote, your democracy, your voice and your government. Of, by, and for the people

Anger is not allowed, only kindness


I wish I could ship the USA to another country (England where they belong) and live in a REAL country

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

I got student debt. Now who you gonna vote for?

I am the new FDR. A vote for me is a vote for a new, New Deal

  • Legalize Marijuana at the Federal level
  • $30 federal minimum wage 
  • National Healthcare for All Americans - healthcare means life. When you keep it from people you promote death

  • Tax any corporation that offshores jobs to the point that it will not benefit them economically. Give Americans high paying jobs or welfare, you decide, however destitution is NOT an option
  • Every American wants a Green "New Deal". Today's problems require a leader such as FDR. Create 20 million new jobs fixing infrastructure, cleaning the environment and investing in renewable energy

  • Erase student debt - those trying to work for the corporations that educated themselves ONLY so the employer would feel confident to hire them, have had those jobs shipped to other countries, leaving entrants to the workforce with massive debt and no opportunity for work. This is highly unfair and needs to be addressed NOW. The only ones crushing me and millions of others are the corporations and the government of my own country. The federal government should feel shame promoting corporations hiring foreign labor, and issuing work visas when there are Americans living in tents. Truly these 2 things do not allow me to feel pride as an American. My own country makes me feel embarrassed by its behavior.

How can veterans be left to die on the street? Taking food stamps from children and veterans so that money can be thrown at the stock market and those who don't need it? Shameful.  

It turns out, voting Democrat or Republican is throwing your vote away. Vote Green and your vote will never be wasted


Instead of voting the lesser of 2 evils vote green. The Earth is NEVER evil

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

    Thomas Jefferson

The devils lies...

"free markets will create competition" - they actually destroy competition and promote monopolies. How many Walmart competitors are there?

"investing in business owners will create jobs" - unless they decide to pocket that money and have moon races in rocket ships

"sending jobs offshore will improve the economy" - the whole usa has the most debt of any nation and the absolute worst economy. Do we have an economy that can pay for anything? The US government can't pay the interest on its debt. Economies of hatred always will fail. Economies of love will always succeed. 

I never hear them say how the ones at the top that have the most just got richer, but that has been the only truth to their stories

When one feels they will be dead tomorrow they will revolt today. They have nothing to lose

Definition of recession

recession =  the government and corporations are currently stealing money from working people

As a politician i represent...

  1. god
  2. kids
  3. earth
  4. adult humans

in that order. I stand with the Green party. I am the voice of the voiceless

a revolutionary is to a politician

 like a warrior is to a soldier

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter

 just like one man's dandelion is another man's weed

Taxes taken from working people fund the military

The same military that will be sicked on those same working people, when they revolt from being made slaves

I believe in and support trickle up economics

I don't need to fight racists

 they live in a hellish nightmare of their own choosing. They don't scare me, I pity them

Capitalism is inherently immoral

if there were 2 people on an island and one climbs a tree to gather coconuts, risking his life and breaking bones and flesh to get the coconuts, should that person climb down and give all the coconuts to the person that sat there and watched the other person without helping at all?

if you say no, then you are right. And just because it is millions of people and more than coconuts, does not make it right

A Revolutionary = a person with morals

If they kill us they have no one to make them rich

 If we kill them we become rich

Live by the sword die by the sword

For those who do not revere life for the sake of money (devils that believe money is more important than life), they shall lose their lives and working people will take their money because, life is less important than money right?

Monday, April 4, 2022

When I am president of the USA, I will erase student debt and keep it from ever happening again

We need a French revolution in the USA

Cancel student debt Joe Biden, be a man


Apparently Joe Biden could erase our student debt by executive order. If he fails, this is further evidence that a new Green party is necessary in the legislature. I would expect this behavior from the Republicans but not Democrats. I have no respect for either party anymore

My Hero...Christian Smalls. David beats goliath!!

Christian Smalls
We are powerful when we unite. Now the master will have to think twice before it treats us like human garbage because we may come back as a Union leader. Power to the working people!!!! I am so proud of you Christian and everyone that voted to unite. It takes such courage to stand to the beast!!!

American businesses: change to democracy in the workplace or face unions, your choice

My demands

I have sent these requests to my local House and Senate Reps.

  • Legalize Marijuana at the Federal level
  • $30 federal minimum wage 
  • National Healthcare for All Americans - healthcare means life. When you keep it from people you promote death

  • Tax any corporation that offshores jobs to the point that it will not benefit them economically. Give Americans high paying jobs or welfare, you decide, however destitution is NOT an option
  • Every American wants a Green "New Deal". Today's problems require a leader such as FDR. Create 20 million new jobs fixing infrastructure, cleaning the environment and investing in renewable energy

  • Erase student debt - those trying to work for the corporations that educated themselves ONLY so the employer would feel confident to hire them, have had those jobs shipped to other countries, leaving entrants to the workforce with massive debt and no opportunity for work. This is highly unfair and needs to be addressed NOW. The only ones crushing me and millions of others are the corporations and the government of my own country. The federal government should feel shame promoting corporations hiring foreign labor, and issuing work visas when there are Americans living in tents. Truly these 2 things do not allow me to feel pride as an American. My own country makes me feel embarrassed by its behavior.

How can veterans be left to die on the street? Taking food stamps from children and veterans so that money can be thrown at the stock market and those who don't need it? Shameful.  

So proud

The march on Washington where MLK gave his I have a dream speech. It was called the March for freedom and jobs, click here to see it on Wikipedia

Sunday, April 3, 2022

The American version of "human rights".......


The right to die in a tent! Thanks Uncle Sam. So glad I risked my life in your military