Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The real value of money (or its lack thereof):

One is not smart, funny or caring because of money. In fact they usually lack those things. 

If I have a million dollars the house will not get clean unless I get someone else to do the work it won’t get done. no amount of money will get the house clean. Labor from someone has to be done or the house will not be clean. In this circumstance money is worthless.

Are people with money going to be smart or hard working? Probably not as they just have to spend money and never have skills or information of any kind. In times of emergency these people will not know how to survive as they always just pay someone else to do things for them.

Some cultures inbreed for the sake of money. In Japan one can marry a cousin, simply to not have to share wealth with someone not in their immediate family.

Also, do most people who have lots of money move right next door in close proximity to others? Seldom. Instead they act very anti-socially and move away from others. Usually they fight with family more often (over money) and generally have less social lives. 

If I become a farmer tomorrow money is useless. I can catch water from rain and snow. I can grow my own crops. I can reuse my trash to take care of the earth. I can have my own animals and sustain myself and anyone else who needs help indefinitely 

I see money as something that people with it use as an excuse to exhibit evil behavior. I do not support evil behavior so likewise I do not support money. Life is enjoyable when one removes money as their focus. A homestead with a large family is superior to money

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