Thursday, August 20, 2020

Use caution when buying from Amazon

Holly Molly. I purchased a PS Vita that came to me defective. Weeks later all Amazon wants to do is let the "third party seller" give me the run around on a return. Apparently Amazon cares more about the sellers than the people who buy there. The supervisor Jason just hung up on me as I asked If I would have to just lose my $400. He said possibly, then hung up on me. WOW. Buyer beware

9/29/2020 Update:

After speaking to Amazon service I received the refund a few days after the conversation. I then ordered a new Vita that took 10 days to ship and never actually did. 10 days after placing the order I canceled it, I then was able to purchase a better (Sapphire Blue!) Vita. This one shipped in only 5 days and was PERFECT!! Amazon has always been good with all the other things I have bought from them. I got nervous based on their actions but they made it right and I am happy. But, know it's better to 'add to cart' and try to buy things direct from Amazon rather that from a third party seller or using the 'buy now' button. Live and learn

Thursday, July 16, 2020

New PSP!!!

Today, after 15 years playing games on the original PSP - 1000, I upgraded to a PSP - 3000 for my birthday. Today is a great day. My new PSP - 3000 showed up and I am charging as I write this. It has a beautiful brand NEW screen. I now have about 40 awesome games to play on this baby.

It came with a 16 GB memory card installed (wow, thanks! ) It also came with a gel case for the whole psp, screen protectors and a soft pouch to carry it in!! WOW!! Thanks Ebay (Computechdealinc) !!! All these accessories were FREE and I did not expect them. Wonderful surprises!! It was such a great deal I referred my new buddy Brian to them and he bought one too so we can have psp lan parties!!! I couldn't be happier.

Ps Vita lust

Sony is no longer making the PS Vita. I want one so bad. It makes me feel bad that even on my birthday I don't have enough family to chip in to get me one. I even asked my useless biological father I just met in March 2020 to get me one. He ignored me too, Jonathan Brent Jordan of Oregon

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Wow! We can make up our own words now about things we hate?! (antifa)

Our infallible leader is not only a world renown doctor, but he is also Websters Dictionary now too!! Is there nothing our great leader CANNOT do?

I have made up a few words about things I HATE:

antiracia = anti-racist

antiidiocia = anti-idiocy. I don't care what color idiots are dressed in, I have no tolerance for idiocy/evil

anticorruptionia = anti-corruption

antihypocrisya = anti-hypocrisy

I am sure I will add to this list often!!

Roots of Racism in America: laziness

Racism in America, let’s examine the roots shall we?:
(WARNING: this is a long rant)

The root? Laziness. A people that founded their main infrastructure to Chinese, Mexican and Slave labor throughout their history, isn’t very hardworking. White Americans just aren’t a ‘working class’ people. In American culture we hear people say, ‘Mexicans are our Nanny’s, Gardeners, Fruit Pickers, and Housekeepers. No white American is going to do those jobs’. I maintain, a truly hardworking culture would never say such things and would work any job as necessary to feed their families. Also, a truly free society would NEVER try to relegate an entire race to such menial jobs that cannot possibly feed their families. And that is just the Mexican-American race, what about other races in America? Some are NOT even permitted to work at all.

It is American business owners that express a disinterest in hiring ‘fat, lazy, stupid, and expensive’ as they like to call us. And you will always notice that American business is always sniffing out the cheapest labor and NOT necessarily the best workers, even globally. Someone has turned America against working class people. 

Science nor education is revered in American society. Even if we had good scientists, would anyone even listen to them? While growing up I always had to hear how smart kids were ostracized and foreigners were always regarded as the ‘smart ones’. Thats a lot to take away from a smart American kid that just wants to do good in this world. It reminds me of the commercials I heard growing up a lot: ‘The united Negro college fund, because a mind is a terrible thing to waste’, just as mine has been wasted.

So we have a ‘service based economy’ that doesn’t manually produce anything.  When the society is happy with cheap Chinese garbage that says made in china on the bottom, how does that not instill rage that NOTHING EVER says it’s made in America and is of high quality? I don’t remember waking up one morning and voting to have Walmart shut down all the mom-and pop stores to sell us all cheap crap we hate. Did you vote for that mess?

Besides, if the people who got off the Mayflower did not steal the resources of this land from the Natives who inhabited it, they would have had to be hard working people themselves, and that would have evolved. So the fear of hard work is what fuels the racist. It’s easier to HATE than it is to work hard or be fair. America now needs to put its money where its mouth is and hire ALL Americans to re-build what should have always been. Put ALL American’s to work NOW doing what they can offer, assisting those that want new skills. Make it easy for people to succeed and they will. This gives rise to less criminals and less need for police. It also puts more people of differing walks of life in the same work places. Did you see any other men of color standing around Mr.Floyd? Maybe if there had been, he and many others would still be alive today and we wouldn’t be having riots to deal with on TOP of a pandemic.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Hope for change

I can't stand to see innocent life die. I am a man of God. Unfortunately because I have been locked out of this evil society, I am having such a hard time feeling compassion. My biological father walked away from my innocent mother when she showed me to him as a baby. He called her a slut and walked away from us, saying I was someone else's. Years later I would find out that he had many wives and girlfriends and other babies he walked away from. None of us want to be family because we hate him so. He was actually the slut, and today is a bible thumping Republican.

See, this American society is so evil, all it can do is run around screaming how much it loves God and Jesus (just like the father I  tracked down on after 45 years, who couldn't deny the truth of my existence anymore) but then believe in guns, no healthcare for themselves or others and how much they hate everyone, especially their own fellow Americans. It's complete insanity. A virus of the mind that produces illogical and destructive thinking.

See, when suffering a virus of the mind, you wont do Gods work. Had you been including me, our society would have protected against this Pandemic in many ways. This would have included strong healthcare for all. This would have provided a strong shield against any pathogen. Well equipped, trained and healthy medical workforce. Then, all Americans would have the healthiest immune systems globally. These 2 strategies would shield the US from these type of Pandemics. Following these strategies would be creating a pandemic preparedness division of the government. Never being able to be wiped away so idiotic future Republicans cant try to get rid of it to show how much money they have saved by gutting all essential services, as usual.

The focus on healthcare would build the strongest economy we have ever had. However, I have found that your "economy" and mine can never mix. Mine would include EACH and EVERY AMERICAN over foreigners. There would be opportunities for Americans, not illegals and foreign nationals, I don't care IF you give them citizenship. I have come to understand what your "economy" really is: a control mechanism. YOUR economy creates dependance and seeks to strip good people of what they rightfully deserve as humans, I call these; human rights. These are denied from many Americans just because of rampant racism, but even those not so inclined to be racist prefer to hire foreigners over Americans for the sake of greed. No matter how you got to be disgusting doesn't matter to me, only the results of your behavior.

Friday, April 10, 2020

I knew America was done when I heard Pandemic - Divided States of America

I knew Americans were going to die in large numbers when compared to other countries, when I heard of this Pandemic. Here is why:

America keeps its healthcare overpriced and garbage quality, and usually out of reach of most, for the sake of greed and racism.

Then, Americans HATE themselves and one another. Fat, lazy and stupid is a description American employers make about American workers and is used as the reason employers HAVE to hire foreign workers only.

I knew the first thing Americans would do:

the KKK would use this as a bio weapon - that was the first news story i saw early on in this

i knew most Americans would spit on one another out of malice - news stories now about cops coughing at poor people and psychos licking food in the grocery store

The Divided States of America is what it REALLY is. Small, micro wars break out all across society now as those that hate one another (in the USA everyone HATES everyone) have easy access to bio weapons if one is willing to risk infection.

The rich will retreat to secure enclaves until the masses are all gone and then they can come out of hiding and hire the worlds poorest to rebuild their society for them.

The countries that provide death to their people already ("junk food" production and no national healthcare) will suffer the greatest during pandemics

These are the reasons the USA will have many more deaths than other countries

I suggest we care about Americans only, America FIRST for ONCE. All Americans get priority in colleges and business opportunities, starting with people of color. No more discrimination, business loans get approved, regardless. Top quality, free healthcare for ALL Americans. Invest in Americans and we can be free of the worlds Pandemics and poverty. Why would the Divided States of America want a "Global Economy"? Isn't the rest of the world corrupt and poor? What would they possibly do positively for our economy? Greed has clouded economic judgement for too long, and ends NOW.

Look at Germany. They focus on their own people and they are the bank of Europe.