Thursday, September 3, 2009

Funny talk with wife...

Yesterday my wife, which is completely new to the atrocities and foolishness of republicans says something so wonderful, she comes to the conclusion (which Ive made this connection a long time ago, so its good to see her arrive there too)that republicans are just like the characters in the Wizard of OZ. They are heartless like the Tin Man, brainless like the Scarecrow and have absolutely no courage just like the Lion. Way to see the truth baby!

She also did what NO ONE has the courage to do; tell her family the truth even though they don't want to hear it. Shes very close to them and to risk their love for the truth says a lot about her. If everyone was this strong wed not have so many problems here in the US.

But she like me is becoming a wolverine (Ive always had to be). Cute, furry and lovable but when you spew that republican hatred will attack like a wild animal. We basically are soooo tired of having to hear lies as truth. So now it doesnt matter who you are or think you are, you spew lies and hatred and you'll be exposed by me and my wife. Were the last true patriots left. WE ARE THE LAST DEFENDERS OF FREEDOM left, except for my enslaved brethren confined to reservations. As they gave away thier truly free way of life in the battle against evil, they are the true last defenders of freedom. If you claim to be an American that "loves and would defend freedom" you'd have to idolize the last ones that did exactly that, the Natives. Long live Crazy Horse!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Todays True Rants

Call it what it is, a Republican economy.

I remember a prevalent saying I always heard when growing up:
"You get what you pay for"

Now-a-days all I hear is:
"Foreigners do it for so cheap they do it better"

Then my friend says he knows a guy that owns a business that tells him that its cheaper to have parts made in China because 99% of the parts will be thrown away as unusable garbage and that is still cheaper than what it would cost to make in the US. Does that sound like foreigners do it better? I would think the definition of "doing it better" in this instance would mean in China he'd keep 99% of the parts and that its cheaper than if you keep 99% of the parts here in the US. Once again, republicans say what they need to so they can hoard a buck. Sad because you'll never hear the truth from these liars, only what they need to say so that the society will keep allowing itself to suffer so they can hoard a dollar.

The idiotic argument that republican economists try to use to defend sending American jobs offshore is that for every dollar spent on foreigners that company will make a whopping .14 cents!! Wow, with that kind of money I can see how they would be able to create many more higher paying jobs than the ones sent offshore (as they claim is the case). Actually I'm totally kidding. This argument could hold some weight if these companies made $3 for every $1 spent on foreign workers. But they don't. All that happens if you really examine this situation is the companies now have to be dependent on that .14 cents. The quality of the product suffers and they cant make any profit from what it is they sell. They become a slave to the .14 cents. Now if they would gladly spend the $3 lets say, on American labor they will make $5 for their superior product rather than .14 cents by using cheap labor. So the argument is completely invalid.

On a side note, I find it interesting that on a keyboard there is a key for the $ but nothing for cents? Like a c with a line through it? Enjoy today's truth, truth seekers.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Such a shame

I often wonder what the world would be like if Einstein was forced to sell shoes for a living (he almost was forced to not be a physisist). He never would have created the atom bomb and the world would be speaking German right now. There would be no jews left at all. The world would be a very different place. Luckily for Einstein his people would have never given their technology jobs to foreigners. If nothing else can be said about Nazis, they were patriots. Because they finally employed Einstein as a physisist, the world changed and for the good. No option for that with americans, they arent patriots. Just greedy demons trying to suck the life out of anything that has it for their own gain. Why cant the Muslims and the North Koreans, the Russians, all who hate this wreched beast just send their nukes over here? No other country has ever been more deserving. Japan got nuked because they were the strongest country at the time. This country needs to be nuked because its the saddest joke of a facist regime that has ever existed. I will say that the facist regimes of old at least were proud to say 'hey, this is who we are deal with it'. In america the facist regimes pull the strings like puppet masters and lie to the public, letting them think they have voted in someone fair. They tell them how free they are. Just lies to keep raking in that cash.

This is exactly what is happening to me. The worlds best programmer and I cant get a job doing it because Americans only hire Indians. Ill never be able to create the "atom" bomb or any great technology that will change the world. I guess its really a good thing because I would create technology that Americans could hide behind, like they did with the Atom bomb. Its just such a shame that people that are really good at cirtain things are just cast aside so greedy monsters can make a profit. Never mind that the whole of american goods now is garbage. It so comical to me how every stupid american shows off their ignorance by saying that Indians do such better work than americans. Oh really? So India created computer technmology as we know it today? Ive been playing with computers since I was about 10. How many Indians can claim that? Not many I would assume. So with no evidence at all the claims are made. Typical american foolishness; even though the evidence is overwhelming that americans are better with technology, we still get to be told we have no place in the world of technology because even if they are going to make the crappiest software in the world it saves them money. So the greatest minds in computing get to sit on the sidelines while technology goes to crap. Such a damn shame. Allah Akbar.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I searched for American truth, this is one of the first sites to come up

So I googled American Truth to see what there was out there. This is one of the first sites to come up; It was all about the hatred of Muslims for all infidels so I had to respond to the email that was on the page. Here's the banter between a hater and me. (I was bored enough to have a little fun, the first post is at the bottom). I am thrilled though that I am finally able to get a hater to debate, as usually haters will never debate publicly because their afraid what will happen to them if exposed.

My last response:

Its so sad that when a person searches for "american truth" on the internet as a school project your muslim hatred is what you find. I knew youd be too much of a hater to listen to reason. You really think all muslims live to kill infidels because it says so in their religious book? Christians use their bible to kill other religions all the time, are you going to find a Christian that says they should not defend themselves against aggression? There are nutbags in all religions and I guess you will never admit that truth. The muslim religious book also says to respect all other religions, does the king James version say anything about that? No it doesnt. So you use what you want from their book to fuel your own ignorance and hatred. Just like what the KKK does in the name if Christianity but I don't see your site defending black people? Or even condemning the KKK which you told me you did. Why is that not on the site then? So sad that your site comes up under American Truth because it isn't the truth at all. Only misguided hatred. Ill pray for ya.

If you cant find a muslim to say they are against extremist killings then why don't you put that on your website then and see what you find? Put a line on the site (where folks will still be able to see it readily) that says your organization respects all Muslims that detest extremist killings but you cant find one to tell us how they feel on your site. At least people could see that you aren't just judging without cause but rather trying to start a meaningful dialog. You don't even make that an option, yet you make the assumption that you cant find one Muslim that thinks this way. It appears pretty one sided if you present this to any other third party to examine. If you really have a strong point like you think you do then you will present all sides and not just make one sided claims about all muslims or their religious books.

And you want to bash muslims for "hatred toward women, and racism", when did women get the right to vote in this country? Has their been racism in this country? If you step outside and ask any black person if there is racism in this country they will tell you of course. But this isn't on your website? I thought you were against racism and the Mal treatment of women? Go outside for once and ask any woman if she is paid equal wages and is treated fairly at her workplace, then put those answers on your site. That would show that you are serious about the issue and not just a hater of muslims. You speak a lot about the evil of Islam but don't have much to admit about racism and sexism in our own backyard. If you are serious about doing what is righteous then call out all guilty parties not just the new group you've decided to hate this week. As long as you don't yell as loudly about the atrocities in this country no one will take you seriously about the atrocities in other countries. Cleaning the world starts at home my fellow American.


Subject: RE: Truth
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 08:45:34 -0500


are so far off the reservation in your ability to understand the issues we deal
with in regard to radical Islam that I will spare us both the wasted time.

if you can send provide me contact information for one Muslim American who is
willing to tell me that they disagree with the Qu’ran and its teachings
of radicalism and hatred toward women, and racism then I will be happy to
travel to have a YouTube video made of that individual and placed prominently
on our website. That is what you would like to see after all, correct, is “appreciation
on your [our] website for the Muslims that detest extremist killings.”
Good luck on finding that person, Dan.



Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 5:55 PM


Subject: RE: Truth

I said that you should speak as poorly of
the KKK on your website as you do the Muslim extremist groups but you do not. I
never said anything about you being the KKK biggest fan and yes I do have a
profound lack of knowledge of your mission and profound history, all I have to
go off of is the main web page which didn't express appreciation of Muslims
very much. I do certainly remember the attacks on the twin towers, do you
remember all the African Americans that died at the hands of the KKK in the
name of Christianity? Obviously not. And the KKK actions far preceded the
attacks on 9/11/2001. You should not be so selective of the criminals you wish
to bring attention to. You need to give appreciation on your website for the
Muslims that detest extremist killings.


Subject: RE: Truth

Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 12:25:10 -0500


We thank you for your email. With all due respect we detest the
KKK along with its past and current actions and would never support such an
organization. For you to insinuate such things is repulsive and demonstrates
your lack of understanding of our mission and of past history.

You also make clear that you desire and choose to live in a pre
9/11 mentality. Do you not remember the radical Islamists that flew planes into
the Twin Towers in the name of Allah and killed thousands of innocent
Americans? These terrorists were in our country, “at home” as you
put it. Yes, we are starting with them.

Lastly, please, I do beg of you, please let me know where you
have found on our website that we “make criminals of all the world”
as you put it?



Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 12:06 PM


Subject: Truth

Hasn't the KKK in the U.S. done the same
things you accuse the Muslims of, but in the name of Christ? You should start
with the criminals you have at home before you make criminals of all the world.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Today is about uniting real truth-speakers, heres the truth on Islam

So I Google American Truth to see if my site even comes up; NOPE, but here's the first one that did come up, At first I was so closed-minded that I just passed it by with out clicking the link, I mean congress and truth, I knew it would be chocked full-o-lies, so I check it out. Its basically a black woman (looks like Michelle Obama) saying the evils of Islam and how they have decided to hate / destroy us all because we aren't Islamic. Hey Brigitte Gabriel, here's the truth you never heard. We never have had problems with Islam nations till recently. Ever stop to ask yourself why is that? I know, still deluding yourself with "they are Muslim so they hate other religions" but if that were true, we would probably have heard much more from them during all of time. But sad facts are we haven't heard about the "Muslim problem" till recently. The real reason for this that you wont listen to Muslims long enough for you to hear them say is that they just don't want infidels moving their military bases into their lands as they feel this is a threat to their way of life, as americans did when when Russian missiles were put in Cuba! So lets look at Muslims as the good world citizens they really are. As soon as they are looked at in this way and respected, they will not feel the need to destroy anyone. Muslims are just good people that will tolerate poverty in life so they can feel closer to God. Americans in general will never be able to able to understand this concept, making it true non-the-less (just like they cant understand that humans cant own land though its true). And remember, the KKK believes that their mission is to preserve the fundamentals of Christ. I don't think you'd agree with that philosophy but its in your own backyard non-the-less. Typical american foolishness, attack the rest of the world instead of starting by the locking up the criminals at home first. Plenty american "Christians" are just as loony if not more so than their Muslim counter-parts that will again, live in poverty happily so that greedy americans can have. Americans should be singing Muslims praises rather than trying to create race wars with these people. I know you hate mongers will hate hearing the truth but oh well.

America is the joke of the world

This country is such a joke. If I went and did some crime, I would be given housing and daily meals; if I work hard and get a computer programming degree Ill be told that India does that work and that I and my family can die penniless on the street. If one could show children what their lives will be like when born in America, regardless of how much money they would have, they would refuse to be born. That's how disgusting America is.

All the republican business owners think we have no options as consumers; buy their foreigner made garbage or go without. You actually have all the power as a consumer! If you don't buy their garbage products how long can they stay in business? Not long. So I say if American business are going to use cheap labor from around the world to keep the rest of us unemployed, we can start shopping at the Indian supermarkets and buying products directly from India/ China. If strong enough, we can stand strong against these monsters and put them out of business. We can let business know if they don't want to hire we Americans we don't need to buy their products (nor can we as we are unemployed).

And remember this; when you feel as though you are compelled to own "things", this is how the monster gets you to buy his foreign made garbage. So if you enjoy being controlled like a mindless puppet, then ignore my words and keep feeding his evil. But if you enjoy feeling like you have a brain in your head then you'll join me in putting the devil out of business.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The most important thing to learn about the story of Christ

Remember kiddies, the most important thing we learn from the story of Christ is that if one chooses to love all life as Christ did, you will be punished by society. Maybe you wont be crucified, but you will be left to die on the street by society. Research what has happened to all the "whistle blowers" that have existed in American society. Being a good person isn't allowed in American society. That's why Americans that call themselves "Christians" are just grapefruits.

Also, don't worry about your education too much. You'll always hear, "you can do anything if you put your mind too it". This is just a lie so you'll pay for school, and they'll make money. Just remember, if foreigners want to do it for cheaper, you'll never be able to do anything you want in your life (as far as a career).

Always see past societies lies so you can see the truth.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm the only one that can figure this out? Please...

It doesn't take a genius (or maybe it does) to figure out that if America sends all its work to other countries (and thus those dollars), American banks wont have money to loan to those businesses when they need it. Kinda like now! Just ask any foreigner in this country if they help their families back home and they'll tell you proudly how they have to send every penny home to their large families back home.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Always remember....Hate doesnt exist

There is no such thing as hate. Hate is only darkness. Darkness is the absence of light. Hate doesn't exist, only lack of light. Let your light shine!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

This is my way of takin' the power back!

Note: If you can't see the video but hear the audio, double click on where the video should be and it will show.

Always be a spiritual warrior. Always be a soldier for God.

Always be a spiritual warrior. Always be a soldier for God.

We've all heard of the "fabric of society". Republicans like to poke holes in the fabric of society by trying to create divisions between people. Trying to make only two sides to every issue. The problem is we're all Americans. When republicans want to talk about race, abortion, and all the other things they attack fellow Americans with, they are just poking a hole in the fabric of society. Eventually the fabric becomes too damaged and we have the kind of society we have now. One that no one wants or needs or even cares about. And this is what we give our children when we drag them into this mess? And this is what we try to get other more advanced societies to "buy into"?

America, home of the scam.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

When they say "I hate that rap music".. Tell 'em

Tell 'em:

Aah, that's too bad for you. I like great music of all genres!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama asks me to share my story......

I grew up with only my single mother that worked as a secretary. I
did the right things, stayed away from the gangs and drugs. I
actually stayed in class during "senior ditch day". I became a
tutor in high school. I found myself in advanced college level
classes in high school. Upon graduation, I took major student
loans from the government to get myself a computer science degree.
I love computers and technology with all my heart, and always
thought that it would someday pay off for me to have a degree in
such a field. I received a descent GPA of about 3.8 in my college
endeavors. As soon as I go out and try to get work in this field,
I'm told by the interviewers in the very few interviews I've been
able to get into, that all the tech departments had been sent to
India and how much money the company had saved. Mind you, I moved back to the SF Bay area, (Silicon Valley) with hopes of finding
employment. All I found is when I go outside there aren't anymore
white, black or Hispanic people anymore. Now all you can see are
Chinese and Indian people and they are driving around in big cars
and have big families. It makes me hate being an American as I
wonder why they are more deserving than me? Simply because they do
it for cheaper? Why am I not fit to have any kind of work? Now,
there are no jobs at all. All the kids of these foreigners work at
even the lowest of jobs and they certainly don't want to hire the
likes of me. I've become the foreigner in my own country. I've
given all my faith to God and have decided that if this society
doesn't think I'm fit to make a living then maybe I can be the
best Dad I can. Even though my wife and I have to discuss possibly
living in our cars in the next few months(which we purchased so we
could get to work! and we don't have any family we can stay with),
we've decided to have a baby. We ask ourselves every day how were
going explain to a child someday why our own country hates us so
and why we dragged them into this misery you've created for your
fellow countrymen. All the republican government ever wants to
talk about is abortions, yet they don't want me to be able to make
a living wage to support a child. I want them to explain this to
me on C-SPAN. I was once so excited to be an American with the
prospect of creating the worlds next greatest technology. Now, I
don't know how my little dog Honey, and sweet wife Alisha are
going to survive in the next 6 months. I pray every day that
American business owners remember that before we shipped all the
jobs overseas or imported in cheap labor, that when we didn't
"compete", this country did just fine. Besides, it makes no sense
to me why the strongest nation has to "compete" with the poorest
ones? When you're the best, you don't have to compete. But I guess
America doesn't want to be the best anymore. No one ever wants to
revere those that lost their lives for our standard of living and
way of life. If the fallen American soldiers could see that they
gave their lives so that Americans could be replaced by cheap
labor from all over the world, they'd rollover in their graves. I
feel like I'm the only patriot left. And I don't even have any
reason to be. God bless the oppressed.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Absolute proof of Republican Fairy-Tale economics

Interesting, Microsoft creates new factory for Zunes in China as they lay off 5,000 Americans.

Click here for news story about new factory in China

Click here to see the story on Microsoft cutting 5,000 jobs

This is a perfect example of why giving all the tax cuts to businesses doesn't create jobs at all. Microsoft has had 8 years of the Bush administration giving huge tax cuts to businesses generally, and then extra tax cuts for sending American jobs off-shore. And they have to lay off 5,ooo employees? According to fairy-tale economics practiced by Republicans, Microsoft shouldn't be laying off at all but should have created many more new high-paying jobs here in America. Instead, its like American business always do, invest all the money made from sending our jobs off-shore into new factories off-shore. It makes absolutely no sense why a company would make a higher profit by off-shoring, then take that profit and spend it on high American salaries. It does make sense that they would invest that money into A. Returning to stock holders B. Invest in more plants and jobs off-shore. And once again, if American businesses has to give all the jobs to the rest of the world then they better be ready to make less money for their products (and to sell less) because we were once the richest nation in the world. Better hope the Chindus (Chinese and Hindus)have a lot of money because Americans don't have money to buy anything anymore. So American business better be ready to make money from Communists and one of the poorest places on earth, India. You want to give them the jobs, then you can make their dollars. And I'm sure they will buy their own products which are going to be cheaper than ours. So really American business has created a situation where no one can buy their expensive crap. Looks like the only way out of this will be to do what they should have done in the first place; work hard and innovate. Don't just say "were too weak to compete". Find ways to compete with what you have, that don't send jobs elsewhere. If you innovate and hire American again, you'll compete and Americans will have disposable income again. Laziness is the core of Republican ideals (makes sense that a rich person would think that way) and laziness just wont keep this country together anymore.

I also don't understand why the richest country in the world has to compete with poorer ones. A global economy simply means the U.S.A will be as poor as the rest of the world. We never have needed to compete in the past and things were great. Now that were competing were in a depression. And why did we have to "compete"? What do we gain? Well the top 1% got richer buying up depressed property and businesses. I think American business keeps telling us we have to be a global economy just so they can pay foreigners less than they would pay Americans. So "global economy" as defined by republicans also means taking advantage of poor people across the globe. So they take advantage of poor labor across the globe and leave the rest of us unemployed. Isn't there supposed to be something called ethics in business? How does America have a high standing in the world when this is the attitude of American business? What nation would want to invest in American corruption and evil-doings? Business in America better change their mentality or risk bankrupting this country.

If we held other countries such as China and India to the same standards as we have for workers in this country (labor laws, pollution standards), the cost of labor wouldn't be so cheap anymore. Who does America employ then when it costs the same to hire me or a Chindu? Well if its about money, you hire me because I'm local, speak the language better than a foreigner and know technology far better than a foreigner. I had a computer at the age of 5, did any foreigner? If its just racial and I'm hated by Americans for being an American, well then I guess that foreigners will always be more attractive for employment.

So when people are treated the same way all across the globe, and not taken advantage of, then that bit of loving mentality wont allow for discrimination simply because I'm American. An American that wants to pay the same living wage to Americans and foreigners alike wont allow themselves to hate Americans. Hate ultimately is the root of this rebublican debaucle and all their ideals. I just put a flashlight on it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dang, looks like this is the best well get

A real American patriot and he's an Iraqi!!!!

He does what we've all wanted to do since 2000!!!

This man is a hero!!! I'm glad their now free, to throw they shoes at who they want!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Answer to Paul Broun in regards to hr 227 r georgia 10th district

answer to paul broun

in regards to hr227

r georgia 10th district


health care for all will protect the fetus

not sending jobs over seas will protect the fetus

paying half of corporate income to maintain orphanages will protect the fetus

are you really willing to make the changes needed to protect the fetus or only persecute those that are forced to take a life at your own hands?

If you truly believe that people are so horrible that they want to abort their own children without cause, then make them look as bad as possible, show them up to the world for what they are; provide all the above and then you'll have proof indefinite that they are as worthy of your hate as you are so privileged to provide.

Until that time do not attempt to remove the freedoms people enjoy to do with their bodies as they see fit. Alcohol destroys fetuses as well and therefor should be made illegal as well, according to your logic. Focus your anger where it belongs, man made things that destroy fetuses and a society of republicans that creates a society where people have to do these god awful things.

This unfortunately for you is the logic that makes sense to caring, loving Americans. Americans that care about other Americans and all life, all people involved not just the fetus. You cant expect people to take you seriously when you say you fight for life then ship away American jobs overseas, and only reference a fetus in your rhetoric.

Stop trying to kill this nation. After the last 8 years of your own parties destruction to the American economy, I'm shocked you would waste anyone's time with these ridiculous aspirations of hr227. You should be spending your constituents resources more wisely.

When you introduce legislation to address the above issues, all Americans will be with you. Until then your not attacking the problems that cause abortion you are just attacking the poor souls that have to be exposed by it at your hands. Shame on you. You are not doing Gods work in any sense of the word. I can only pray that you will allow yourself to see Gods true love enough to see the truth in the words I speak. See my friend, we are both Americans that love God with all our souls. However I'm still waiting for republicans to want to put forth the effort required to assure no abortions ever have to be performed again. I'm willing to do the work, why aren't you? I realize its easier to ban or oppress but easy things in life usually aren't that grand. Things that require hard work are all worth the while!

Persecuting people or banning abortion is not attacking the environment that fosters abortion, and is not therefor Gods work. Creating an environment where no one has to have an abortion even though it is still legal, is Gods work waiting to be done, and only myself willing to do the work, while you introduce the devils legislation. If you make it illegal to have abortions, both mother and fetus will die, and the back- alley doctors will become murderers, which is the devils work. The true followers of Christ viewpoint (mine) and this letter to you will be posted all over the internet.

Actually, pro-choice people are pro-life, all life involved, the
mother, father, Dr. and where the child will live when born
(orphanage and adoptive parents).

So called "pro-life" people don't ever mention any life other than
the fetus, (unless they want to mention the people they hate for
having or giving abortions) hence "pro-life" people aren't really
for all life, but rather just the fetus. Today's "pro-life" people
are really pro-fetus. Lets be absolutely clear when discussing
such very grave matters.

Friday, January 2, 2009

American Freedom

Note: If you can't see the video but hear the audio, double click on where the video should be and it will show.