Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Kudos to Mr. Julian Assange!

This post is regarding the founder of Wiki-Leaks, Julian Assange:

As long as you lie and cheer-lead for America it's free speech. As soon as you expose their evil then your the terrorist. Ya anyway. Kudos to Mr. Assange you are a real true hero of the people, free speech and transparency of government. We need more heroes like you in the world and less kids would shoot up their schools. This is a message for the parents that recently lost their smart, quiet son. Parents of: If you want to know why he did what he did and want to keep it from happening again, talk to me. As long as heroes like Mr. Assange are persecuted, kids will shoot themselves in the head. Who would want to live in a place where the truth is illegal? Certainly no smart quiet children.

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