Sunday, September 21, 2008


The opposition better pray I never get to write the laws, because if I do:

I would pass into legislation that if a citizen doesn't vote in the current election, they do not get to vote in the next election.

If they wish to vote in the following election they would have to re-register and vote in that election for the right to vote in the next election and so on.

I would revoke the citizenship of families and children that are gang-bangers and send them back to the countries they came from. I say this my fellow brothers not from a place of hatred for gangsters. I love you all my brothers and wish that if all you have here in the States is pain and death then I wish that with your families, back in the country you come from you can find the peace every being deserves to experience at least once in life. I know the circumstances that exist when you are born in America and being a gangster is just survival, I do not criticize anyone, the opposite in fact, I wish that your life can be as full and fulfilling as you wish it to be. This would also relieve some of the violence that exists in American society today. The more gangsters that are removed, the more innocents will survive. I seek peace for all life in the Universe. Bless all life-forms.

Grapefruits that want to bomb abortion clinics and hurt mothers, fathers, children and doctors, I say this;

1. If you vote for officials that will create a society where women don't have to have abortions and

2. you can guarantee zero abuse of children placed into the care system

I'm with you, lets outlaw abortions. Its nasty to have to do and no one wants to. That's the truth and anyone that wants to portray anything otherwise just isn't human.

This being said I will create 'elastic' laws that will change when certain conditions aren't met. For example;

If there is any abuse of children at all, or women are forced into the position of having to consider abortion, it will be legal.

So societies actions and not just rhetoric and hate will determine the law. This is how law should be and I'm sure the founders would agree. Let freedom ring!

"Christians" or "pro-lifers" or whatever you call your self, remember this:

Christ would have considered the best thing for ALL parties involved in the abortion issue. The mother, father, fetus, child and doctor. And I'm sure even more people than that. You should focus your clinic bombing and doctor harassing (hatred in general) in making a society where women don't have to give up there babies in any fashion!

A "pro-life" person would really be for all the lives involved as Christ would have. So once again, the grapefruit tries to say they are in favor of life, but never can speak any love for any of the lives involved, other than the fetus. "Pro-life" considers all the lives involved.

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